Page 133 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 133

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          entropy    encoded     transform     coefficients.   residuals.  These  residuals  form  the  starting  point
          The amount  depends  on  the  chosen  type  of       for the encoding process of the first enhancement
          transform  (nLayers).  Additionally,  if  the  temporal   sub-layer. A number of coding tools, which will be
          prediction  is  used,  for  each  processed  plane  an   described  further  in  the  following  subsection,
          additional  chunk  with  temporal  data  for         process  the  input  and  generate  entropy  encoded
          Enhancement sub-layer 2 is present.                  quantized transform coefficients.

          5.   CODING STRUCTURE                                5.1.3 Enhancement sub-layer 2
                                                               As  a  last  step  of  the  encoding  process,  the
          5.1  Encoder
                                                               enhancement  data  for  Layer  2  needs  to  be
          The  encoding  process  to  create  an  LCEVC        generated.  In  order  to  create  the  residuals,  the
          conformant bitstream is shown in Fig. 2 and can be   coefficients  from  Layer  1  are processed  by  an in-
          depicted in three major steps.                       loop  decoder  to  achieve  the  corresponding
                                                               reconstructed picture. Since Layer 1 might have a
          5.1.1 Base codec                                     different  resolution  than  the  input  sequence,  the
          Firstly,  the  input  sequence  is  fed  into  two   reconstructed picture is processed by an upscaler,
          consecutive  downscalers  and  is  processed         again  depending  on  the  chosen  scaling  mode.
          according  to  the  chosen  scaling  modes.  Any     Finally, the residuals are calculated by a subtraction
          combination  of  the  three  available  options      of  the  input  sequence  and  the  upscaled
          (2-dimensional scaling, 1-dimensional scaling in the   reconstruction.
          horizontal direction only or no scaling) can be used.   Similar to Layer 1, the samples are processed by a
          The  output  then  invokes  the  base  codec  which   few  coding  tools.  Additionally,  a  temporal
          produces  a  base  bitstream  according  to  its  own   prediction  can  be  applied  on  the  transform
          specification. This encoded base is included as part   coefficients in order to achieve a better removal of
          of the LCEVC bitstream.                              redundant  information.  The  entropy  encoded
          5.1.2 Enhancement sub-layer 1                        quantized transform coefficients of Layer 2, as well
                                                               as  a  temporal  layer  specifying  the  use  of  the
          The reconstructed base picture may be upscaled to    temporal prediction on a block basis, are included
          undo  the  downscaling  process  and  is  then       in the LCEVC bitstream.
          subtracted  from  the  first-order  downscaled  input
          sequence  in  order  to  generate  the  Layer  1  (L-1)

                                                       Encoder Configuration                         Headers

                                                                                      Entropy        Temporal
                                                                                     Encoding         Layer
                                 L-2 residuals
                Input                 -       Temporal    Transform    Quantization   Entropy      L-2 Coefficient
              Sequence                       Prediction                              Encoding         Layers


           Downscaler                                       Inverse      Inverse
                                     +        L-1 Filter  Transform    Quantization

                                             L-1 residuals
                                                 -        Transform    Quantization  Encoding      L-1 Coefficient
           Downscaler              Upscaler
                        Encoder        bitstream                                                   Encoded Base

                                            Fig. 2 – Structure of an LCEVC encoder

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