Page 7 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

               Editor-in-Chief’s message

               This latest special issue of the ITU journal offers unique
               insight  into  the  state  of  art  in  multimedia,  and  more
               interestingly the insight that forecasts an exciting future
               of highly immersive media experiences.

               The  13  published  papers  address  topics  including  the
               latest  developments  in  video  and  image  coding  and
               resulting prospects for new media experiences; advances
               in immersive media in sports and education; the growing
               influence  of  machine  learning;  and  the  accessibility  of
               immersive media to persons with disabilities.

               We are also fortunate to welcome a paper telling the story
               behind  the  development  of  the  first  JPEG  image
               compression standard, a success story very much at the
               origin of contemporary multimedia coding.
               I express my gratitude to all of our authors for their valuable contributions to this special issue.

               I would like to thank ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao for entrusting me with the role of ITU Journal
               Editor-in-Chief.  I  would  also  like  to  thank  Chaesub  Lee,  Director  of  the  ITU  Telecommunication
               Standardization Bureau, for the support that I have received from his bureau, in particular the ITU
               Journal’s editorial team.
               I am also grateful to the many reviewers that ensured an efficient review process, in particular our Guest
               Editors, Gary Sullivan, Microsoft; Yan Ye, Alibaba; Jens-Rainer Ohm, RWTH Aachen University; and
               Lu Yu, Zhejiang University.
               For their continued support to the ITU Journal, I would like to thank our Associate Editors, Rajkumar
               Buyya, University of Melbourne; Jun Kyun Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology; Xiaolin Fu,
               University of Oxford; Mostafa Hashem Sherif; as well as our Outreach Chairman, Stephen Ibaraki.
               The ITU Journal is a prime example of how ITU and academia can work together towards a shared goal,
               through research and publication. This collaborative effort is of mutual benefit to ITU and academia,
               offering research communities the chance to influence the decisions of thought leaders in the public and
               private sector.

               We  are  glad  to  announce that  we  are expanding this  collaboration  with  the  introduction  of  a  new
               international journal co-published by Tsinghua University Press and ITU.

               Titled  Intelligent  and  Converged  Networks,  the  journal  draws  its  name  from  the  accelerating
               convergence of different fields of communication technology and the growing influence of artificial
               intelligence and machine learning.

               Jian Song
               Tsinghua University

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