Page 6 - U4SSC - A UN initiative
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■  U4SSC also supports the implementation of smart sustainable cities’ solutions
                through the development of guidelines, studies and city action plans. Among its
                activities U4SSC raises awareness  and  build capacity  through  events,  webinars
                and trainings. The work of the U4SSC initiative is organized according to different
                themes and the following thematic groups:

                    •  City platforms
                    •  Economic recovery in cities  and urban  resilience building in the time
                       of COVID-19

                    •  Innovative Financing Instruments for Smart Sustainable Cities

                    •  Guiding principles for Artificial Intelligence in cities

                    •  Procurement guidelines for Smart Cities and Communities

                The  participating  UN agencies contribute  to  lead  the  work  of  these  thematic
                groups along with representatives of national and local governments, the private
                sector, civil society and academia.

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