Page 18 - U4SSC Case study: Circularity to promote local businesses and digitization, June 2020
P. 18


            The Framework is being implemented through pilot procurements, as described in the May 2018
            report to GMC. Both Divisional (SWMS or other City Division-related) and Corporate (Citywide) pilot
            procurements will determine how changes to solicitations can meet the objectives outlined in the

                                     Figure 3: Framework Implementation Timeline

            Framework implementation and procurement pilots will be supported through the following:

            PMMD and the Supply Chain Management Transformation Program:

            The  Framework  will  be  implemented  in  conjunction  with  PMMD's  Supply  Chain  Management
            Transformation  Program,  which  includes  a  process  of  implementing  the  Strategy  for  Category
            Management and Strategic Sourcing. Circular economy integration into procurement processes can
            help send harmonized messages up and down the supply chain concerning the value of resources,
            including incentives for using waste previously requiring disposal as material for new production cycles.

            Cross Divisional Circular Economy Working Group (CDCE):

            The CDCE is led by SWMS and includes seven other city divisions: Purchasing and Materials Management;
            Transportation Services; Toronto Water; Parks, Forestry & Recreation; City Planning; Environment &
            Energy; Facilities Management; and Economic Development & Culture. An initial step in the formation of
            the group was to build an understanding of the circular economy and explore what could be integrated
            into the procurement processes at the city. The group discussed solicitations that had previously been

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