Page 38 - FIGI Digital Financial Services security assurance framework
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             Affected Entity  Risks and vulnerabilities      Controls
                             -  Inadequate DFS user access control  C82:  Extend  threat  detection  to  explicitly  incorporate
                               and monitoring. (SD: Access Control) threats associated with APIs.
                                                              C83: Limit remote login access and minimize privileges to
                                                              remote login sessions to backend DFS systems.
                                                              C84: Limit the lifetime of TLS certificates to 825 days.
                                                              C85: Authenticate user IP, device, and login time for all
                                                              privileged users, agents, and merchants connecting to the
                                                              DFS system. For example, configure a merchant and agent
                                                              access to the DFS system to be accessible only during open
                                                              trading hours.
                                                              C86: Code and changes should be tested in the test envi-
                                                              ronment before  moving to the  production platform; the
                                                              test environment should be physically and logically sepa-
                                                              rated from the production environment.
                                                              C87: To improve security, use a trusted tamper-resistant
                                                              device like a Hardware Security Module (HSM) to Securely
                                                              manage the process and store cryptographic keys to pro-
                                                              tect user PINs, transactions, tokens, money vouchers.
                                                              C88:  Set user roles to define access rights based on the
                                                              principle of least privilege.
                                                              C89: After termination of a user, agent, merchant, pay-
                                                              ment service providers or third parties disable/deactivate
             DFS Provider                                     respective accounts
                                                              C90: Set account dormancy period and disable dormant
                                                              accounts at dormancy maturity.
                                                              C91: Set schedules for logons and session limitations based
                                                              on DFS roles. (session limitations can include the maximum
                                                              number of reversals per day based on the role)
                                                              C92: Limit control, monitor, and periodically review privi-
                                                              leged access to DFS systems, including user addition, mod-
                                                              ification, and deletion.
                                                              C93: Monitor the use of APIs, and encrypt all data shared
                                                              with third parties, put in place data management proce-
                                                              dures and controls like signed non-disclosure agreements
                                                              with payment service providers to avoid information/data
                             -  Inadequate monitoring of the wireless  C94: Protect wireless transmissions per PCI DSS Require-
                               network (SD: Data Confidentiality)  ments. Controls should include, but are not limited to, the
                                                              -  Ensure vendor default encryption keys, passwords, and
                                                                SNMP community strings are changed.
                                                              -  Facilitate the use of industry best practices to implement
                                                                strong encryption for authentication and transmission.
                                                              -  Ensure  that clear-text  account data  is  not stored on  a
                                                                server connected to the Internet.
                             -  Failure perform data destruction/ C95: DFS Providers/Merchants should consistently dispose
                               erasing before disposing of devices  of old devices. When the solution provider provides guid-
                               (SD: Privacy)                  ance, the merchant should follow it. Some items to consider
             Third-party                                      -  Remove all tags and business identifiers.
                                                              -  Where possible, develop a contract with an authorized
                                                                vendor who can help securely dispose of electronic
                                                                materials and components.
                                                              -  Do not dispose of devices in trash containers or dump-
                                                                sters associated with your business.

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