Page 20 - FIGI: Security audit of various DFS applications
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            1   https:// owasp org
            2   https:// owasp org/ www -project -mobile -top -10/
            3   https:// developer .android com/ guide/ topics/ manifest/ application -element #allowbackup
            4   https:// developer .android com/ guide/ topics/ manifest/ application -element #debug
            5   https:// developer .android com/ guide/ topics/ manifest/ manifest -element #install
            6   https:// developer .android com/ reference/ android/ view/ WindowManager .LayoutParams #FLAG _SECURE
            7   MD5 and SHA-1 are used to protect integrity of data, RC4, DES, 3DES, Blowfish and ECB protect confidentiality while
                random generators are used to generate keys for protecting integrity, confidentiality or other properties.
            8   https:// www .ssllabs com/ ssltest/
            9   https:// www .ssllabs com/ ssltest/
            10   https:// www .ssllabs com/ ssltest/
            11   https:// www guardsquare com/ en/ products/ dexguard
            12   https:// www .ssllabs com/ ssltest/
            13   https:// www .itu .int/ en/ ITU -T/ extcoop/ figisymposium/ Documents/ ITU _SIT _WG _Technical %20report %20on %20Digital
                %20Financial %20Services %20Security %20Assurance %20Framework _f .pdf

            18   Security audit of various DFS applications
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