Page 8 - FIGI: Security audit of various DFS applications
P. 8

Executive Summary

            The main objective of this report  is to present the  find-  egories of the OWASP Mobile top 10 security risks . Three
            ings of the security audit of a few mobile digital financial   mobile DFS applications were tested: Two DFS applica-
            services (DFS) applications operating on Android mobile   tions from providers in Africa and one DFS application
            operating system and elaborate a systematic methodolo-  from Europe.  The results of security audit of these appli-
            gy for carrying out the security audit.            cations have been anonymised in the report and the three
                                                               DFS apps are referred to as App1, App2 and App3.
            The security audit methodology is based on 18 tests and
            are categorised according to seven of the well-known cat-  An overview of the results is shown in the table below:

                     OWASP mobile top 10                           Test
                                                                                                  App1    App2    App3

             M1: Improper Platform Usage    T1.1 Android:allowBackup                                    
                                            T1.2 Android:debuggable                                     
                                            T1.3 Android:installLocation                                
                                            T1.4 Dangerous permissions                                  
             M2: Insecure Data Storage      T2.1 Android.permission.
                                            WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE                                      

                                            T2.2 Disabling screenshots                                  
             M3: Insecure Communication     T3.1 Application should only use HTTPS connections          
                                            T3.2 Application should detect Machine-in-the-Middle attacks with         
                                            untrusted certificates
                                            T3.3 Application should detect Machine-in-the-Middle attacks with trusted         
                                            T3.4 App manifest should not allow cleartext traffic         
             M4: Insecure Authentication    T4.1 Authentication required before accessing sensitive information         
                                            T4.2 The application should have an inactivity timeout         
                                            T4.3 If a fingerprint is added, existing authentication with fingerprints should         
                                            be disabled
                                            T4.4 Sensitive requests cannot be replayed                  
             M5: Insufficient Cryptography    T5.1 The app should not use unsafe crypto primitives         
                                            T5.2 The HTTPS connections should be configured according to best         
                                            T5.3 The app should encrypt sensitive data that is sent over HTTPS         
             M8: Code Tampering             T8.1 The application should refuse to run on a rooted device         
             M9: Reverse Engineering        T9.1 The code of the app should be obfuscated               

            The 18 security tests defined in the methodology for   has been set up by the ITU as part of the activities of
            the security audit in the report has also been mapped   the Security, Infrastructure and Trust (SIT) Working
            against the security best practices of the DFS Securi-  Group under the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative
            ty Assurance Framework report, illustrating how the   (FIGI).
            security tests can verify the adherence to the best
            practices by the application being tested (see Chap-
            ter 4 of the report). This methodology will be used in
            the DFS Security Lab for security of DFS applications
            based on Android platform. The DFS Security Lab

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