Page 10 - FIGI - Use of telecommunications data for digital financial inclusion
P. 10

Use of telecommunications data

                                               for digital financial inclusion

            1  INTRODUCTION

            This short paper reviews the use of telecommunica-  icant, or even any, transaction record with a bank or
            tions data in digital financial services (DFS).    other financial institution. If telecommunications can
               These data can enable a telecommunications      bridge the physical distance between those who live
            operator and others that have access to such data to   far from financial service providers, the data generat-
            assess the regularity and scale of a customer’s cash   ed may bridge an information gap between provider
            flow,  stability  of  his  or  her  financial  condition  and   and customer.
            nature of his or her social network. Such data can be   This paper describes the types of telecommuni-
            used to profile the customer for the purpose of tar-  cations data to which telecommunications operators
            geting services appropriate to his or her needs and   have access, how such data are used in DFS, and
            capabilities, and offering risk-related services such as   how better use of telecommunications data could be
            credit and insurance.                              facilitated, including through the adoption of stan-
               This offers an opportunity to extend financial ser-  dards relating to such data.
            vices to customers who do not have any other signif-


            Access to basic financial services is a vital part of   such as business finance or consumer credit, such
            development, providing the means to manage and     customers have been effectively shut out of access
            protect wealth, invest in the future, and surmount   to such services.
            crises. In less-developed economies, large propor-   Banking has been transformed by becoming avail-
            tions of the population have not had reliable access   able online. However, many such services typically
            to such services.  Their banks have often  been    require a device capable of using an app or browser
            concentrated in urban areas, catering to higher-in-  rather than a feature phone, and access to the inter-
            come individual and business customers. As a result,   net. Large amounts of the population remain unable
            many low-income people, and people and small       to afford such a device, lack such connectivity, or
            businesses in rural areas, have not had bank deposit   may struggle with the necessary level of technologi-
            accounts. As deposit accounts often serve as gate-  cal or financial literacy.
            way  products  to  access  formal  financial  services

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