Page 15 - FIGI: e-KYC use cases in digital financial services
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2  INDIA                                           2�1  India Stack
                                                               Building on the Aadhaar functionality, the India Stack
            In  India,  the Aadhaar program, provides  a unique   has open and programmable capabilities with four
            identifier  (a  random  12-digit  number)  to  the  resi-  distinct layers:
            dents. A DFS provider can verify a customer's iden-
            tity using the customer's Aadhaar number and a     •  A presenceless layer where a universal biomet-
            fingerprint and/or iris scan. DFS providers rely on   ric digital identity allows people to participate in
            the results of Aadhaar authentication without further   any service from anywhere in the country.
            identity verification, thus simplifying the customer   •   A paperless layer where digital records move
            due diligence process for them.                       with an individual's digital identity, eliminating
               In  September  2018,  the  Supreme  Court  of  India   the need to collect and store massive amount of
            ruled that a section of the Aadhaar Act related to pri-  paper.
            vate sector use of e-KYC was unconstitutional. This   •   A cashless layer where a single interface is avail-
            resulted in private sector access to e-KYC services   able to all the country's bank accounts and digi-
            not being offered. e-KYC use for public services, such   tal wallets.
            as social assistance payments, was not affected, and   •   A consent layer, which allows user data to move
            continued to be available. To allow use of e-KYC by   efficiently and securely, based on user consent
            the private sector, a regulation was adopted in 2019   and control.
            allowing particularly, DFS providers and telecommu-
            nication companies, to use e-KYC.                  Each layer of the stack is built on a specific technol-
                                                               ogy intervention as indicated below:

            Table 1: India Stack

             Layer          Feature                                   Technology intervention
             Presenceless   Unique digital biometric identity         Aadhaar authentication
                            Rapidly growing base of paperless systems with bil-
             Paperless      lions of artefacts                        Aadhaar e-KYC, ESign & Digilocker
                                                                      IMPS, Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB), Aadhaar
                            Game  changing  electronic  payment  systems  facili-
             Cashless                                                 Enabled Payment Services (AEPS) & Unified
                            tating transition to cashless economy     Payment Interface (UPI)
                                                                      Corresponding public APIs under open API pol-
             Consent        Provides privacy data sharing framework

               The data flowing through the various layers of   •   Aadhaar as a financial destination – so send mon-
            India stack can be tracked digitally, providing trace-  ey to Aadhaar number instead of Bank Account/
            ability.  Thus,  India  stack  has  ushered in  a new era   IFSC Code using NPCI's UPI platform.
            in delivery of services adhering to the principles of
            governance viz., being participatory, transparent,
            accountable, responsive, effective and efficient.   2�2  Unique Identification Authority of India (UID-
               Building on India stack to deliver financial ser-  AI)
            vices/facilitating digital payments.               The  authority  responsible for  issuing the  Aadhaar
                                                               number is the Unique Identification Authority of
            •   Aadhaar as an ID authentication to enable elec-  India (UIDAI). UIDAI has been tasked with three key
                tronic KYC and opening of customer accounts at   functional processes: enrolment, identification, and
                very low cost/friction.                        authentication. Through an extensive network of
            •   Aadhaar as an ID authentication for transactions.  enrolment agencies, UIDAI collects the demographic
                                                               (name, date of birth, gender, address) and biometric
                                                               (fingerprints, iris scan and photograph) information

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