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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          [23] V. Baston and A. Garnaev. “A Search Game with a  served as the IEEE Signal Processing Society represen‑
               Protector”. In: Naval Research Logistics 47 (2000),  tative to the governing board of IEEE TMC. Professor
               pp. 85–96.                                      Trappe is an IEEE Fellow.
          [24] E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, and A. Garnaev. “Jam‑                     Narayan B. Mandayam is a Dis‑
               ming Game in Wireless Networks with Transmis‑                        tinguished Professor and Chair
               sion Cost”. In: Network Control and Optimization.                    of Electrical and Computer En‑
               Ed. by T. Chahed and B. Tuf in. Vol. 4465. LNCS.                     gineering at Rutgers University,
               Springer, 2007, pp. 1–12.                                            where he also serves as Asso‑
          [25] A. Garnaev, W. Trappe, and A.Petropulu. “Equilib‑                    ciate Director of WINLAB. Us‑
               rium Strategies for an OFDM Network That Might                       ing constructs from game the‑
               be Under a Jamming Attack”. In: Proc. 51st An‑                       ory, communications, and net‑
               nual Conference on Information Systems and Sci‑                      working, his work has focused
               ences (CISS). 2017, pp. 1–6.                                         on system modeling, informa‑
                                                                                    tion processing as well as re‑
                                                                                    source management. His recent
                                                               interests include enabling privacy in IoT, building re‑
          AUTHORS                                              silience in smart city infrastructures and trustworthy
                                                               knowledge creation on the Internet. He received the 2015
                               Andrey Garnaev received a       IEEE COMSOC Advances in Communications Award, the
                               Ph.D. degree in applied math‑   2014 IEEE Donald G. Fink Award, and the 2009 Fred
                               ematics and D.Sc.  degree in    W. Ellersick Prize from the IEEE Communications Soci‑
                               computer science and applied    ety. He is also a recipient of the Peter D. Cherasia Fac‑
                               mathematics from Saint Pe‑      ulty Scholar Award from Rutgers University (2010), the
                               tersburg State University, St.  National Science Foundation CAREER Award (1998), the
                               Petersburg, Russia, in 1987 and  Institute Silver Medal from the Indian Institute of Tech‑
                               1997, respectively. He is cur‑  nology (1989), Kharagpur and its Distinguished Alumnus
                               rently with WINLAB, Rutgers     Award (2018). He is a Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer
          University, USA. His current research interests are in  of the IEEE.
          applications of game theory and optimization theory in
          network security, wireless communication and related                      H. Vincent Poor (S’72, M’77,
           ields.                                                                   SM’82, F’87) received a Ph.D.
                                                                                    degree in EECS from Princeton
                               Wade Trappe is a Professor                           University in 1977. From 1977
                               in the Electrical and Computer                       until 1990, he was on the faculty
                               Engineering  Department  at                          of the University of Illinois at
                               Rutgers University, and Asso‑                        Urbana‑Champaign. Since 1990
                               ciate Director of the Wireless                       he has been on the faculty at
                               Information  Network  Labo‑                          Princeton, where he is currently
                               ratory (WINLAB), where he                            the Michael Henry Strater Uni‑
                               directs  WINLAB’s  research                          versity Professor. During 2006
                               in wireless security.  He has   to 2016, he served as the dean of Princeton s School of
                               led several federally funded    Engineering and Applied Science. He has also held vis‑
          projects in the area of cybersecurity and communication  iting appointments at several other universities, includ‑
          systems, projects involving security and privacy for  ing most recently at Berkeley and Cambridge. His re‑
          sensor networks, physical layer security for wireless  search interests are in the areas of information theory,
          systems, a security framework for cognitive radios, the  machine learning and network science, and their appli‑
          development of wireless testbed resources (the ORBIT  cations in wireless networks, energy systems and related
          testbed, www.orbit‑, and new RFID technologies.   ields. Among his publications in these areas is the forth‑
          His experience in network security and wireless spans  coming book Machine Learning and Wireless Communica‑
          over 15 years, and he has co‑authored a popular textbook  tions (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Dr. Poor is a
          in security, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding  member of the National Academy of Engineering and the
          Theory, as well as several monographs on wireless secu‑  National Academy of Sciences, and is a foreign member
          rity, including Securing Wireless Communications at the  of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society,
          Physical Layer and Securing Emerging Wireless Systems:  and other national and international academies. Recent
          Lower‑layer Approaches. Professor Trappe served as an  recognition of his work includes the 2017 IEEE Alexan‑
          editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and  der Graham Bell Medal and a D.Eng. honoris causa from
          Security (TIFS), IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM),  the University of Waterloo awarded in 2019.
          and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). He

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