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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2


                                        Weidong Gao, Terrence Mak and Lie‑Liang Yang 1
                        School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK.
                                   NOTE: Corresponding author: Lie‑Liang Yang,

          Abstract – In multiple access molecular diffusive communications, many nano‑machines exchange information and fuse

          data through a common Diffusive Molecular Communication (DMC) channel. Hence, there is Multiple‑Access Interference
          (MAI), which should be suf iciently mitigated so as to achieve reliable communications. In this paper, we propose a novel low‑
          complexity detection scheme, namely Equal‑Gain Combining with Interference Mitigation (EGC‑IM), for signal detection in the
          Molecular Type Hopping assisted Molecular Shift Keying (MTH‑MoSK) DMC systems. By removing a number of entries from

          each row of the detection matrix formed during detection, the EGC‑IM scheme shows its potential to signi icantly mitigate
          MAI and hence, outperform the conventional EGC scheme. Furthermore, the EGC‑IM scheme has lower complexity than the

          conventional EGC scheme and therefore, it is bene icial for practical implementation.

          Keywords – Diffusive molecular communications, equal‑gain combining, interference mitigation, molecular shift keying,
          1.  INTRODUCTION                                     individual nano‑machine to send its information to a
                                                               common receiver. Hence, MDMA differentiates different
          Because of the manufacturing and size limitations, in‑
          dividual nano‑machines are only capable of  inishing  nano‑machines via molecular types.
          simple missions.  To enhance the capability of nano‑  In [8], we have introduced a multiple‑access Diffusion‑
          machines, nano‑networking built on the basis of individ‑  based Molecular Communication (DMC) system based on
          ual nano‑machines via information exchange and coop‑  molecular type hopping and molecular shift‑keying mod‑
          eration is required to complete relatively complex tasks.  ulation, referred to as the MTH‑MoSK DMC system. As
                                                               in MDMA systems, a MTH‑MoSK DMC system also ex‑
          Molecular Communications (MC) has been recognized
          to be a promising solution to implement communica‑   ploits multiple types of molecules. However, an MTH‑
          tion between nano‑devices, and has received a lot of re‑  MoSK DMC system dose not work on the principle of
                                                               MDMA systems, in which each transmitter nano‑machine
          search interest in recent years [1]. In nano‑networking,
                                                               uses one exclusive type of molecule. Instead, in MTH‑
          multiple‑access communications constitute an important
          technique, which considers information transmission be‑  MoSK DMC systems, all transmitter nano‑machines share
          tween multiple transmitter nano‑machines and one com‑  all types of molecules. In more detail, in MTH‑MoSK
                                                               DMC systems, each transmitter nano‑machine is assigned
          mon receiver [2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
                                                               a unique address code to control the Molecular‑Type Hop‑
          According to different information particles and the
          mechanisms of propagation, various types of multiple‑  ping (MTH) over, say,    chips (or slots) of one symbol du‑
                                                               ration, so as to transmit the same symbol    times using
          access techniques have been proposed/introduced to
                                                                  different types of molecules. This processing allows to
          MC in literature. For instance, in [2, 3], the authors
                                                               mitigate Inter‑Symbol Interference (ISI) and simultane‑
          introduced Molecular Code‑Division Multiple‑Access
                                                               ously support multiple nano‑machines. At the receiver,
          (MCDMA), which assigns different signature codes to
          different nano‑machines, for supporting them to trans‑  the information received from different nano‑machines
                                                               is detected by invoking the MTH codes of different nano‑
          mit information simultaneously with a common access
          point. At the receiver, the signature codes of different  machines for molecular type dehopping and with the aid
          nano‑machines are invoked again to recover the received  of some other processing.
          information. In [4, 5, 6], the concept of Molecular Time‑  In multiple access DMC systems, all nano‑machines share
          Division Multiple‑Access (MoTDMA) was proposed to    one DMC channel, resulting in Multiple Access Inter‑
          assist multiple nano‑machines to transmit information  ference (MAI), which makes reliable detection challeng‑
          to one common receiver. In MoTDMA, different nano‑   ing [3, 9]. In literature, various detection schemes have
          machines are scheduled to transmit information within  been proposed and studied in the context of different
          different time slots, and hence implement multiple   multiple‑access schemes and channel environments [2,
          access MC. Moreover, Molecular Division Multiple Access  4, 6, 7]. Speci ically, the authors of [2] proposed a chip
          (MDMA) was studied in [7], where a speci ic type of  detection scheme, which employs an adaptable thresh‑
          molecule or a set of molecular types is employed by each  old derived from the number of molecules received within

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