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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          [5] H. Tezcan, S. Oktug, and F. N. Kok. “Neural delay  AUTHORS
               lines for TDMA based molecular communication
               in neural networks”. In: 2012 IEEE International                     Weidong Gao received his
                                                                                    B.Eng degree in electronics and
               Conference on Communications (ICC). June 2012,
                                                                                    information from the Soochow
               pp. 6209–6213.
                                                                                    University, Suzhou, China, in
          [6] R. Yu, M. S. Leeson, and M. D. Higgins. “Multiple‑                    2016 and his M.Sc degree in
               access scheme optimisation for arti icial neuronal                   electronic  engineering  from
               networks”. In: 2014 9th International Symposium                      the University of Southampton,
               on Communication Systems, Networks Digital Sign                      Southampton, U.K., in 2017,
               (CSNDSP). July 2014, pp. 428–433.                                    where he is currently pursuing
          [7] G. Aminian, M. Farahnak‑Ghazani, M. Mirmohseni,  a Ph.D degree.  His research interest is in molecular
               M. Nasiri‑Kenari, and F. Fekri. “On the Capacity  communications, in particular, in diffusive molecular
               of Point‑to‑Point and Multiple‑Access Molecular  communications.
               Communications With Ligand‑Receptors”. In: IEEE
               Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi‑
               Scale Communications 1.4 (Dec. 2015), pp. 331–
                                                                                     Terrence Mak is currently an
                                                                                     Associate Professor with the
          [8] Weidong Gao, Terrence Mak, and Lie‑Liang Yang.                         Department of Electronics and
               “Molecular Type Spread Molecular Shift Keying for                     Computer Science, University
               Multiple‑Access Diffusive Molecular Communica‑                        of Southampton, Southampton,
               tions”. In: IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biolog‑                   U.K. He graduated at Imperial
               ical and Multi‑Scale Communications 7.1 (2021),                       College London for his PhD
               pp. 51–63.                                                            and is a Visiting Scientist with
          [9] C. Jiang, Y. Chen, and K. J. R. Liu. “Inter‑user inter‑                Massachusetts Institute of Tech‑
               ference in molecular communication networks”. In:                     nology, Cambridge, MA, USA,
               2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,                      in 2010. He has been granted
               Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). May 2014,                      two U.S. and one U.K. patent
               pp. 5725–5729.                                                        for his engineering designs, i.e.,

                                                                 16/685 090     13/638 330. He   published

         [10] M. Damrath and P. A. Hoeher. “Low‑Complexity
               Adaptive Threshold Detection for Molecular Com‑  more than 150 papers in both conferences and journals

               munication”. In: IEEE Transactions on NanoBio‑    jointl    f  book  His resear  areas

                                                                 computer architectur  design, optimization

               science 15.3 (Apr. 2016), pp. 200–208.
                                                                 adaptation  for VL  syst  network‑on‑chip, 3‑D

         [11] D. J. Goodman, P. S. Henry, and V. K. Prabhu.
                                                               Integrat  Cir  (ICs),   lately  wireless‑on‑chip.

               “Frequency‑hopped multilevel FSK for mobile Ra‑

                                                               Pr  Mak  received     Pr  Yearl    Paper
               dio”. In: The Bell System Technical Journal 59.7

                                                               Awar  for Computer   Digital  Techniques   2013, and

               (Sept. 1980), pp. 1257–1275.
                                                               his newly published journal based on 3D‑IC received the
         [12] L. Shi and L. Yang. “Diffusion‑based molecular com‑  prestigious 2015   Computers     Techniques

               munications: Inter‑symbol interference cancella‑  Premium Award. Throughout a spectrum of publications,
               tion and system performance”. In: 2016 IEEE/CIC        awarded       awards,   one

               International Conference on Communications in   nominated, from prestigious conferences, at EMBS 2005,
               China (ICCC). July 2016, pp. 1–6.               DATE 2011, VLSI‑SoC 2014, PDP 2015, EUC 2016, DATE

         [13] I. Llatser, A. Cabellos‑Aparicio, M. Pierobon, and  2018 (nominated), and ISPLED 2019. His publication for
               E. Alarcon. “Detection Techniques for Diffusion‑  IEEE Transactions was selected as a “Top 25 Downloaded
               based Molecular Communication”. In: IEEE Journal  Manuscript” in 2015.
               on Selected Areas in Communications 31.12 (Dec.
               2013), pp. 726–734.
         [14] L. Meng, P. Yeh, K. Chen, and I. F. Akyildiz. “On Re‑
               ceiver Design for Diffusion‑Based Molecular Com‑
               munication”. In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Pro‑
               cessing 62.22 (Nov. 2014), pp. 6032–6044.
         [15] Lie‑Liang Yang. Multicarrier communications. John
               Wiley & Sons, 2009.
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