Page 91 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3 – Internet of Bio-Nano Things for health applications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3


                                 Md Ahnaf Shariar , Syeda Maliha Monowara , Md. Shafayat Ul Islam ,
                                       Muhammed Junaid Noor Jawad , Saifur Rahman Sabuj
             1,2,3,4 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BRAC University, Bangladesh,  Department of Electronics and
                                    Control Engineering, Hanbat National University, South Korea
                             NOTE: Corresponding author: Md Ahnaf Shariar,

          Abstract  –  The  Brain-Computer  Interface  (BCI)  is  a  system  based  on  brainwaves  that  can  be  used  to
          translate  and  comprehend  the  innumerable  activities  of  the  brain.  Brainwave  refers  to  the  bioelectric
          impulses invariably produced in the human brain during neurotransmission, often measured as the action
          potential. Moreover, BCI essentially uses the widely studied Electroencephalography (EEG) technique to
          capture  brainwave  data.  Paralysis  generally  occurs  when  there  is  a  disturbance  in the  central  nervous
          system prompted by a neurodegenerative or unforeseen event. To overcome the obstacles associated with
          paralysis, this paper on the brainwave-assistive system is based on the BCI incorporated with Internet-of-
          things. BCI can be implemented to achieve control over external devices and applications. For instance, the
          process of cursor control, motor control, neuroprosthetics and wheelchair control, etc. In this paper, the
          OpenBCI Cyton-biosensing board has been used for the collection of the EEG data. The accumulated EEG
          data is executed subsequently to obtain control over the respective systems in real-time. Hence, it can be
          concluded that the experiments of the paper support the idea of controlling an interfaced system through
          the real-time application of EEG data.
          Keywords  –  Action  potential,  brain-computer  interface,  brain  wave,  central  nervous  system,
          electroencephalography data

          1.  INTRODUCTION                                      muscles,  and  the  spinal  cord  [3].  Provided  the
                                                                contingency factors, the non-invasive approaches
          The   Brain-Computer    Interface   (BCI)   has       have  greater  possibilities  of  being  embraced,
          articulated a phenomenon that bridges the neural      especially in the middle-income countries around
          activities  in  the  human  brain  with  the  computer   the world.
          system.  The  study  of  brainwave  oscillations  has
          been conducted by pioneers since the early 1900s.     The  brainwave  impulses  generated  during
          However,  the  research  on  BCI  technology          neurotransmission in the Central Nervous System
          progresses towards non-traditional advancement        (CNS) can be computed and interpreted using the
          in recent times due to the availability of wireless   BCI convention. Thus, the plausibility of the system
          means  of  communication  [1].  Nonetheless,  the     is  inherently  conditioned  to  the  user's  brain
          emerging research on implantation for interfacing     functionality  [5,  6].  BCI  essentially  uses  the
          with  the  neural  system  in  [2],  suggests  an     Electroencephalography  (EEG)  technique  for  the
          enhancement  in  the  brainwave  data  acquisition    retrieval of the aforementioned signals, in the form
          process.  In  hindsight,  the  asserted  techniques  of   of frequencies and electric bio-signals [7]. Recent
          accumulating data through conventional invasive       studies  suggest  that  the  brain's  peripheral
          methods  can  be  substituted  by  biomedical         mechanism  for  motor  functionalities  is  not  as
          treatments as discussed in [3]. The application of    imperative as anticipated over the years. Generally,
          the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT), expedited    the EEG data produced in a paralyzed individual is
          the  implantation  of  the  electrodes  of  artificial   indistinguishable  from  that  of  a  non-paralyzed
          neurons  to  provide  state-of-the-art  technological   person. Therefore, BCI can be employed to obtain
          facilities.  Besides,  [4]  proposes  how  a  nano-   Neurofeedback  (NFB)  of  the  complex  brain
          generated  neural  network  can  provide improved     activities by restoring the envisioned stimulation
          stimulation of brainwave signals for an optimized     [8]. Consequently, successful task completion can
          control system. Nevertheless, the high risk of tissue   be facilitated by utilizing brainwave signals alone,
          damage might considerably precede the favorable       without  requiring  any  physical  actions.  Hence,  it
          features  of  direct  stimulation  of  prosthesis,    can  considerably  assist  paralyzed  and  physically

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