Page 58 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7 – Terahertz communications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7

          configurations indicate identical PAE, which points
          to  an  invariance  between  CE  and  CB,  that  ranges
          from 46%  in  deep class AB  and  drops  to  35%  at
          class  A.  The  gain  of  the  PA  at  peak  efficiency
          demonstrates that the CB offers significantly more
          gain  than  CE.  Consequently,  the  CE  has  higher
          collector  efficiency  under  the  range  of  quiescent
          collector currents than CB but the higher gain of CB
          results in similar PAE.
          The schematic of the pseudo-differential, common-
          base class-B PA is illustrated in Fig. 9 along with a
          chip  microphotograph  of  the  stage.  The  class-B
          voltage bias is provided to the emitter through the   Fig. 9 – Pseudo-differential, common-base InP HBT class-B PA at
          balun. The PA occupies an area of 0.4mm by 0.5mm      140 GHz. The area of the die on the right is 0.4 x 0.5 mm.
          to easily fit with the 140 GHz the grid spacing.     The peak PAE occurs at 0.3 dB higher output power.
                                                               The PA exhibits a peak gain of 7 dB which occurs at
                                                               Pout of 13 dBm with 1 dB of gain expansion due to
                                                               the class-B biasing. The output loss of the matching
                                                               network was measured through test structures to
                                                               be around 1dB which raises questions about why
                                                               the measured class-B gain is less than the maximum
                                                               available gain indicated in Fig. 7. The explanation is
                                                               partially  explained  when  referring  back  to  Fig.  8
                                                               which plotted the gain associated with the common-
                                                               base device under the matching conditions for high
                                                               efficiency. Here, the common-base device has only
                                                               around  9  dB  of  gain  near  the  class-B  bias,
                                                               corroborating the measured PA operating gain.

           Fig. 8 - Gain, output power, and PAE at 140 GHz as a function
           of  the  quiescent collector  current  for  the  common-emitter
           and common-base amplifier for Vce = 2.5 V.
          For CB HBTs, the ratio of impedance seen into the
          collector and at the output of the emitter is related
          directly  to  the  power  gain  when  IE  ~  IC  for
          sufficiently  large.  To  increase  the  output  power,
          two common-base  stages  are  used  as  a  pseudo-
          differential  output  PA.  A  low-loss  sub-quarter
          wavelength  balun  was  used  at  the  input  and  the
          output to match the pseudo-differential PA at the
          input  and  output  [7][23].  The  balun  places
          constraints  on  the  maximum  gain  that  can  be    Fig. 10 - PAE and gain as a function of output power for VCC
          realized from a CB amplifier. To provide 6 dB gain,   = 2.5 V at 130 GHz. From [15].
          we choose the impedance of emitter port to be close   The  PA  achieves  32%  peak  PAE  with  15.3-dBm
          to 25 and for the 100-Ohm collector impedance. A     saturated output power. The 1-dB power bandwidth
          series inductor  at  the  output  transforms  the  load   covers 122 GHz to 146 GHz and is consistent with the
          impedance to 50 Ohms.                                measured  3-dB  bandwidth  from  the  S-parameters.
          Fig. 10 plots the PAE and gain as a function of Pout   The  input  power  across  the  band  is  calibrated
          at 130 GHz at a class-B collector bias current density   between 8 dBm and 8.7 dBm with variation due to the
          of 203uA/um.                                         probe loss variation over the band.

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