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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

           [6] Shehar Bano, Alberto Sonnino, Mustafa Al‑Bassam,  [16] Vibhaalakshmi  Sivaraman,  Shaileshh  Bojja
               Sarah Azouvi, Patrick McCorry, Sarah Meiklejohn,      Venkatakrishnan, Mohammad Alizadeh, Giulia
               and George Danezis. “SoK: Consensus in the age of     Fanti, and Pramod Viswanath. “Routing cryptocur‑
               blockchains”. In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM Confer‑  rency with the spider network”. In: Proceedings of
               ence on Advances in Financial Technologies. 2019,     the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks.
               pp. 183–198.                                          2018, pp. 29–35.
           [7] Li Peng, Wei Feng, Zheng Yan, Yafeng Li, Xiaokang  [17] Stefano Martinazzi and Andrea Flori. “The evolv‑
               Zhou, and Shohei Shimizu. “Privacy preservation       ing topology of the Lightning Network: Centraliza‑
               in permissionless blockchain: A survey”. In: Digital  tion, ef iciency, robustness, synchronization, and
               Communications and Networks (2020).                   anonymity”. In: Plos one 15.1 (2020), e0225966.
           [8] Vibhaalakshmi  Sivaraman,  Shaileshh  Bojja
               Venkatakrishnan, Mohammad Alizadeh, Giulia      AUTHORS
               Fanti, and Pramod Viswanath. “Routing Cryptocur‑                   Enes Erdin is an Assistant Pro‑
               rency with the Spider Network”. In: Proceedings of                 fessor at the University of Central
               the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks                    Arkansas. He got his Ph.D. in the
               (2018), pp. 29–35.                                                 Department of Electrical and Com‑
           [9] Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno‑Sanchez, Aniket                     puter Engineering at Florida Inter‑
               Kate, and Matteo Maffei. “SilentWhispers: Enforc‑                  national University and he was an
               ing Security and Privacy in Decentralized Credit                   NSF CyberCorps Fellow. He con‑
               Networks.” In: The Network and Distributed System                  ducts research in the areas of hard‑
               Security (NDSS). 2017.                                             ware security, blockchain technol‑
          [10] Stefanie Roos, Pedro Moreno‑Sanchez, Aniket Kate,  ogy, and Cyber‑physical Systems.
               and Ian Goldberg. “Settling payments fast and pri‑
               vate: Ef icient decentralized routing for path‑based               Suat Mercan is a postdoctoral re‑
               transactions”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05748                 searcher at Florida International
               (2017).                                                            University. He received his Ph.D.
          [11] Pedro Moreno‑Sanchez, Aniket Kate, Matteo Maf‑                     degree in Computer Science at the
               fei, and Kim Pecina. “Privacy preserving payments                  University of Nevada, Reno in 2011
               in credit networks”. In: Network and Distributed Se‑               and his M.S degree in Electrical
               curity Symposium. 2015.                                            and Computer Engineering from
                                                                                  the University of South Alabama in
          [12] Matthew Green and Ian Miers. “Bolt: Anonymous
                                                                                  2007. His main research interests
               payment channels for decentralized currencies”.
                                                                                  are blockchain, payment channel
               In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference
                                                                                  and peer‑to‑peer networks, cyber‑
               on Computer and Communications Security. 2017,  security, digital forensic, and content delivery.
               pp. 473–489.
          [13] Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno‑Sanchez, Aniket
               Kate, Matteo Maffei, and Srivatsan Ravi. “Con‑                     Kemal Akkaya is a professor in
               currency and privacy with payment‑channel net‑                     the Department of Electrical and
               works”. In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC                     Computer Engineering at Florida
               Conference on Computer and Communications Secu‑                    International University. He leads
               rity. 2017, pp. 455–471.                                           the Advanced Wireless and Secu‑
                                                                                  rity Lab and is an area editor of
          [14] Enes Erdin, Mumin Cebe, Kemal Akkaya, Senay So‑                    theElsevierAdHocNetworksJour‑
               lak, Eyuphan Bulut, and Selcuk Uluagac. “A Bitcoin                 nal. His current research interests
               Payment Network with Reduced Transaction Fees                      include security and privacy, and
               and Con irmation Times”. In: Computer Networks                     protocol design. He has published
               (2020), p. 107098.                              over 120 papers in peer‑reviewed journals and confer‑
          [15] Giulio Malavolta, Pedro Moreno‑Sanchez, Clara   ences. He received the “Top Cited” article award from El‑
               Schneidewind, Aniket Kate, and Matteo Maffei.   sevier in 2010.
               “Anonymous Multi‑Hop Locks for Blockchain Scal‑
               ability and Interoperability.” In: NDSS. 2019.

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