Page 76 - ITUJournal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1
P. 76

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                           Fig. 12 – Total average latency for ONOS controller when network is partitioned into two clusters.

          Our results shows that when two controllers are deployed
          and the mastership management module is activated, the
          optimum controller locations are Pretoria for cluster one
          and East London for cluster two, with           =48.9 ms. The
          worst locations are Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth for
          cluster one and cluster two respectively, with           =118.4
          ms. These results coincide with the results from our
          mathematical formulation in Section 6.2.

          7.3.2   Control‑plane failover and signalling

          The outcome of our failover tests was positive in that               Fig. 13 – Average latency.
          all nodes could reach each other regardless of the failed
          control node. This means that the switch nodes under  observed. This is likely because during the transmission
          thesupervisionofthefailedcontrollerwereautomatically  of the  irst 150 000 packets, the switch has matching
          reassigned to the active controller in the other cluster.  entries in its  low tables on how to route traf ic, which
          The reassignment took approximately 0.5 seconds. The  eliminates the need to forward incoming packets to the
          reassignment time was measured by carrying out the   control‑plane for routing decisions. After a certain time
          ONOS performance benchmark test case provided in [60].  (from 150 000 packets upwards), the switch reaches
          The failure recovery time increases signi icantly with the  a hard timeout and clears its  low tables leading to an
          number of disconnected switches [61]. The recovery   additional processing delay. The additional processing
          time can potentially be improved by using more powerful  delay is likely the cause of the increase in average
          servers with more RAM and CPU resources [62].        delay.  Similar results are observed with regards to
                                                               network jitter (as shown in Fig. 14). Last but certainly
          Fig. 13 and and Fig. 14 depict the results we obtained  not least, when the number of packets is increased
          both before and after switch‑to‑controller placement  to 150 000 and 200 000, we observe a percentage
          balancing. As expected (see Fig. 13), the average delay
          is in overall lower after switch‑to‑controller placement
          balancing compared to the case of imbalance.  We
          believe this is primarily because, after balancing the
          switch‑to‑controller placement, data‑plane monitoring
          traf ic is fairly divided between the controller nodes thus
          improving overall network performance.
          The decline in average delay (both before and after
          switch‑to‑controller balancing) is a result of an increased
          matching probability of preserved  low rules with newly
          arriving packets, which reduces the number of packet‑In
          messages to the controller, resulting in a reduction in
          network delay. When the number of packets is increased
          to 150 000 packets, an increase in average delay is                   Fig. 14 – Average jitter.

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