Page 5 - Digital solutions for integrated city management and use cases: A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
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            This publication was developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities
            (U4SSC) initiative.


            The development of this deliverable was led and coordinated by Ramón Ferri (Smart City Officer of
            the València City Council, Spain) in collaboration with Cristina Bueti (ITU), Sahifa Imran (Consultant,
            ITU), Mythili Menon (ITU), Ángel Gómez, Javier Llavador, Natalia Palomar and Víctor Vicente
            (València Smart City Office members). The València City Council would like to extend its sincere
            gratitude to all the case authors who devoted substantial efforts in drafting the case studies: Ashwini
            Sathnur from Bangalore (India), Eduardo Peral from El Hierrro (Spain), Francisco Javier Ridruejo from
            Logroño (Spain), Carlos Ventura from Rivas Vaciamadrid (Spain), Hector Kaschel from Las Condes
            (Chile), Nestor Sosa from the Municipality of Montevideo (Uruguay) and Gustavo Giannattasio

            The València City Council would also like to express its appreciation to the many experts that have
            participated in the working group meetings, particularly to Ashwini Sathnur (UNDP), Francisco
            Javier Ridruejo (Logroño City Hall), Gustavo Giannatasio (Member of the IEEE Smart Cities steering
            committee), and Massimiliano Claps (IDC) for their inputs to the discussion along with relevant
            feedback and/or reviews that contributed to the overall enhancement of this report. The deliverable
            strongly relies on the participation and hard work of several U4SSC members who diligently
            contributed to the preparation of the report. Ramón Ferri, Ángel Gómez, Javier Llavador, Natalia
            Palomar and Víctor Vicente, wish to thank the U4SSC management team: Nasser Al Marzouqi
            (U4SSC Chairman), Katrina Naut, Abdurahman M. Al Hassan, Paolo Gemma, Tania Marcos and
            Giampiero Bambagioni (U4SSC Vice-Chairs) for their assistance and contributions.

            The authors also extend their gratitude to the UN contributing organizations along with their
            representatives: Oliver Hillel from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Lucy Winchester
            and Vera Kiss from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),
            Simone Borelli from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Cristina Bueti, Chiara Co, Sahifa
            Imran and Mythili Menon (ITU), Iryna Usava from the United Nations Development Programme
            (UNDP), James Murombedzi from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA),
            Guilherme Canela from the Regional Bureau for Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean of
            the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Martina Otto and.
            Sharon Gil from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Matthew Ulterino from the United
            Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), Motsomi Maletjane from the United
            Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), Andre Dzikus, Tania Lim, Jean Yves
            and Robert Lewis-Lettington from the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat),
            Gulnara Roll from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Mark Draeck,
            Katarina Barunica Spoljaric and Nicholas Dehod from the United Nations Industrial Development

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