Page 16 - Building a people-centered digital future for cities and communities
P. 16

ITU standards and practical guidance for                                    Don’t miss these key

         cities & communities                                                        industry standards!

         Security, privacy and trust                                                  •  Recommendation ITU-T
                                                                                          Y.4806: “Security capabilities
         Digital transformation in cities involves the integration of                     supporting safety of the

         technology in various aspects of life. While the benefits of these               Internet of things“
         technologies are numerous, it also raises concerns about                     •  Recommendation ITU-T

         security, privacy and trust. Security is essential to protect against            Y.4807: “Agility by design for

         cyberattacks, which can compromise critical infrastructure,                      telecommunication / ICT
         disrup  t services, and compromise personal information. Privacy                 systems security used in the
         is also a critical issue, as the use of technology in cities can lead            IoT“

         to the collection and storage of vast amounts of personal data.
         Trust is therefore crucial for the successful adoption of digital            •  Recommendation ITU-T

         technologies in cities. International standards can help cities can              Y.4808: “Digital entity

         ensure that the benefits of digital transformation are realized,                 architecture framework to
         while also protecting the rights and interests of the inhabitants in             combat counterfeiting in

         alignment with data protection requirements, ensuring overall                    Internet of things”

         data security and prevention of data theft.
                                                                                      •  Recommendation ITU-T
                                                                                          Y.4809: “Unified Internet of
                                                                                          things identifiers for

                                                                                          intelligent transport systems”

                                                                                      •  Recommendation ITU-T
                            Devices             Applications
                                                                                          Y.4811: “Reference
                                                                                          framework of converged
                                                                                          service for identification and
                                                                                          authentication for IoT devices
                                                                                          in decentralized

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