Page 7 - Building a people-centered digital future for cities and communities
P. 7

How is ITU leading this transformation?                                     Key ITU Activities

                                                                                     Enabling Digital
         The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United               Transformation
         Nations specialized agency for information and communication
         technologies (ICTs). Within the United Nations ecosystem, ITU
         serves a dual role as it also functions as an international standard
         developing organization (SDO).

         A vital part of ITU’s work is the development of technical
         standards that ensure that networks and technologies                        Standards for Industry and
         interconnect seamlessly. ITU also strives to improve access to              Governance
         digital technologies and ICTs to underserved cities and
         communities worldwide in line with the United Nations
         Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

         ITU members come from all over the globe from Member States,
         private sector entities and academia to work together to shape              Fostering Digital Innovation
         future digital technologies and the ICT policy and regulatory
         environment, set standards, and formulate best practices to
         enhance the overall technological ecosystem.


                                                                                     International Cooperation

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