Page 8 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 8

As customary with the Kaleidoscope conferences, per agreement with the IEEE, all papers accepted
            and presented at the conference will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. In addition,
            selected  papers  will  be  considered  for  publication  in  a  special-feature  section  of  the  IEEE
            Communications Standards Magazine.

            Finally, I would like to thank the ITU team lead by Alessia Magliarditi and including Emer Windsor,
            Erica  Campilongo  and Simiso  Dlodlo,  as  well as  Gent  Bajrami  from  the  ITU-T  Operations  and
            Planning  Department,  for  their  unwavering  support.  It  is  thanks  to  their  dedication  that  the
            Kaleidoscope series of academic conferences improves year after year.

                                                                                      Mostafa Hashem Sherif
                                                                                                  Chair, TPC

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