Committed to connecting the world

​17 May 2016, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD 2016)

Theme 2016: ICT entrepreneurship for social impact

wtisd16.pngIn 2016, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD-2016) will focus on the theme: “ICT entrepreneurship for social impact”, in accordance with Resolution 68 and as endorsed by ITU Council 2015.

ICT entrepreneurs and start-ups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
have a particularly relevant role in ensuring economic growth in a sustainable and inclusive manner. They are involved in the development of innovative ICT-enabled solutions with a unique potential to make a long-lasting impact in global, regional and national economies and as an important source of new jobs, especially for youth, in the current knowledge economy.

The theme for WTISD-16 is in line with ITU’s work in unlocking the potential of ICTs for young innovators and entrepreneurs, innovative SMEs, start-ups and technology hubs as drivers of innovative and practical solutions for catalysing progress in achieving international sustainable development goals, with a focus on SMEs from developing countries.

Membership Activities

The activities to be undertaken by ITU Membership, beginning as early as possible and continuing throughout the year, will contribute towards building political momentum to further mobilize support for these enterprises as a mechanism to enable and accelerate sustainable development through ICT-enabled solutions and applications.

They will showcase and leverage relevant national and regional strategies and initiatives to promote ICT-related SMEs and foster and discover new technological solutions to accelerate sustainable development.

Worldwide initiatives

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Message from ITU Secretary-General

Opening statement from ITU Secretary-General

zhao-wtisd2016-small.jpg"Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and technology hubs are the drivers of innovative and practical solutions for catalysing progress especially in developing countries. SMEs make up more than 90 per cent of all businesses worldwide, and represent a 'path out of poverty' for many developing countries..."

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