Committed to connecting the world

WTPF-13: Strategic Dialogue

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WTPF-13 Strategic Dialogue, 13 May 2013

Building our Broadband Future

The Strategic Dialogue built on the positive vision of the importance of broadband as a basic platform for progress and explored issues of the benefits of broadband, the rationale for regulation and our network future.

MONDAY, 13 MAY 2013

14:35 - 16:00

Building out Broadband

This Session explores the broadband revolution and examines the role of broadband as critical infrastructure in the modern global economy. The role of broadband for promoting economic growth, productivity and trade is by now well-established. Although access to broadband networks may be rivalrous and excludable, the information and knowledge which can be provided via broadband services are now global goods with global reach. 
Today, it is increasingly clear that no country can do without broadband infrastructure. Worldwide, however, two thirds of global citizens remain to be connected to the Internet. Opinion is divided, however, as to whether broadband Internet service represents a basic need, fundamental right or luxury.  This Session will examine whether broadband access is today a basic need, public utility, fundamental right or privilege.
Moderator: Mr Raffaele Barberio, Director, Key4Biz


Scribe: Mr Ulf Pehrsson,  Vice-President for Government and Industry Relations, Ericsson

 16:00 – 16:30: Break​ ​

16:30 - 18:00

Broadband Driving Development

This Session considers the benefits of broadband for accelerating development. Broadband promises to transform the provision of healthcare and education in developed and developing countries alike. How can broadband improve people’s lives? Are Megabits or mobiles most helpful to the citizens of developing countries? What is the size of the remaining business opportunity from connecting the world, and connecting women, remote communities and marginalized groups? And how can broadband infrastructure and services be made to work to the best benefit of developing countries?  This Session considers the applications of broadband infrastructure and services for improving people’s lives and accelerating achievement of the MDGs.
Moderator: Mr Raffaele Barberio, Director, Key4Biz

Scribe: Ms Kathryn Brown,  Senior Vice-President, Corporate Citizenship and International Relations, Verizon

 18:15 – 20:00: Official Reception: Montbrilliant Cafeteria, ​ITU Montbrilliant building  ​