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[846]  New: F.CRA-ST - Proposal on a new work item of "Storage and transmission of knowledge graphs for cultural relics and artworks identifying characteristics based on metadata for cultural relics and artworks tracing system based on block chain"



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164775 octets 2022-01-04 [846] 

Document :

UIT-T SG 16  (Période d'études 2017)  Contribution  846

Titre :

New: F.CRA-ST - Proposal on a new work item of "Storage and transmission of knowledge graphs for cultural relics and artworks identifying characteristics based on metadata for cultural relics and artworks tracing system based on block chain"

Reçu le :


Source :

ePaiLive Auction (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (China)

AI/Question :


Réunion :


Disponibilité :

Réservé aux utilisateurs TIES [UIT-T]

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Mis à jour le : 2022-01-05