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[942]  A.13 justification for proposed draft new Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.DTKPI "Guidance and use case(s) to use digital twins to visualize the key performance indicators of ITU-T Y.4903 "Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals"



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54409 octets 2021-09-28 [942] 

Document :

UIT-T SG 20  (Période d'études 2017)  Contribution  942

Titre :

A.13 justification for proposed draft new Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.DTKPI "Guidance and use case(s) to use digital twins to visualize the key performance indicators of ITU-T Y.4903 "Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals"

Reçu le :


Source :

Augmentcity AS (Norway)

AI/Question :


Réunion :


Disponibilité :

Réservé aux utilisateurs TIES [UIT-T]

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Mis à jour le : 2021-09-28