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Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[SAT-BAG Satellite Backlog Action Group (Council 2001 - Resolution 1182)]

[The Satellite Backlog Action Group (SAT-BAG) has been established by the ITU Council 2001. The Group has terms of reference as set out in Council Resolution 1182. It also subsumes the work previously undertaken through Information Meetings, the Informal Correspondence Group on Satellite Filings (ICGSF) and the Software Experts Group. It is chaired by Mr. Keith Whittingham (United Kingdom).]


[Meetings and Documents]
[Meeting of 22-24 January 2003:]
[Meeting of 4-6 March 2002:]
[Meeting of 1-2 October 2001:]


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Обновлено : 2011-06-15