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 Documents : Geneva Phase: Regional Conference-pe :
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Final Declaration of the Pan European Regional Conference
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
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7 November 2002 - Pan-European Regional Conference, Bucharest (Romania): keynote speech by Mr. Adama Samassékou, President WSIS PrepCom
MS Word Document [french]
Opening Remarks by Mr. Yoshio Utsumi, Secretary-General ITU at WSIS Pan European Regional Conference
7 Nov 2002
MS Word Document [english]
A Romanian view on the concept of the Bucharest Conference - Presentation by H.E. Mrs. Anda Filip, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Romania to the UN Office in Geneva - UNECE annual session
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
Presentation by H.E. Mr. Dan Nica, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, to the UNECE European Regional Meeting on the UN ICT for development Task Force and WSIS
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Concept-paper circulated by the Delegation of Romania on the occasion of the UNECE meeting which approved the proposal made by the Romanian Government to host a Pan European Ministerial Conference in preparation of WSIS
MS Word Document [english]
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