WSIS+10: WSIS Review Process

Working together towards a multistakeholder, open and inclusive WSIS Review Process

WSIS Forum 2013

Geneva Phase:
10 to 12 December 2003

Nearly 50 Heads of state/government and Vice-Presidents, 82 Ministers, and 26 Vice-Ministers from 175 countries as well as high-level representatives from international organizations, private sector, and civil society attended the Geneva Phase of WSIS and gave political support to the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Geneva Plan of Action that were adopted on 12 December 2003. More than 11,000 participants from 175 countries attended the Summit and related events.

WSIS Forum 2013

Tunis Phase:
16 to 18 November 2005

Nearly 50 Heads of state/government and Vice-Presidents and 197 Ministers, Vice Ministers and Deputy Ministers from 174 countries as well as high-level representatives from international organizations, private sector, and civil society attended the Tunis Phase of WSIS and gave political support to the Tunis Commitment and Tunis Agenda for the Information Society that were adopted on 18 November 2005. More than 19,000 participants from 174 countries attended the Summit and related events.

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Nunc viverttra erat et turpis viverra pellentesque. Maecenas ullamcorper, nibh tristique ullamcorper lacinia, tellus nisi blandit elit, id pulvinar tortor.

available soon

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Nunc viverttra erat et turpis viverra pellentesque. Maecenas ullamcorper, nibh tristique ullamcorper lacinia, tellus nisi blandit elit, id pulvinar tortor.

available soon

WSIS Secretariat

World Summit on the Information Society
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

Phone: +41 22 730 5111
Fax: +41 22 730 6453
