United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  




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go Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel

17 November 2005; 11.00-13.00; Rooms La Goulette
Panel To Introduce New Perspectives


16 November 2005; 13.00 - 15.00; Room Bizerte
Infopoverty Seminar for ICT Villages

go Oracle

15 November 2005: 09.00 to 11.00: Room Sousse
The Information Economy and African Development: Harnessing ICT For Africa’s Development; Job Creation and the Information Economy

go Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development

15 November 2005; 9.30 to 17.00; Room Le Kram
Measuring the Information Society

go Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur

15 – 19 November 2005; Rooms El Jem & Jerba
Solidarité Numérique et Coopération

go Russian Association of Networks and Services (RANS)

18 November 2005; 09.00 – 13.00; Room Le Kef
Security, trust and effectiveness in using of infocommunications

go Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

17 November 2005; 15.00- 17.00; Room Le Kef
ICT for Poverty Alleviation

go Switzerland

17 November 2005; 13:00-15:00; Room Saint Augustin
ICT for Peace

go The American Jewish Committee

16 November 2005; 13.00 – 15.00; Room Hammamet
Using the Internet to promote Tolerance and Understanding

go The Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO) and International   Telecommunication Union (ITU)

17 November 2005; 09.00 - 09.30; WSIS Partnership Pavilion, Launch Pad
The Digital Opportunity Index (DOI)


16 November 2005; 14.00 - 15.30; Room Kairouan
Enhancing access and the development impact of ICT: Policy Challenges, Options and Innovations

go United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

17 November 2005; 09.00 - 11.00; Room Zaghouan
Legal issues on electronic commerce : the draft Convention on the use of electronic communications in international contracting

go United Nations Economic Regional Commissions

16 November 2005: 15.00 - 17.00; Room Le Kram
Women in the Information Society: Building a Gender Balanced Knowledge-Based Economy
Building Regional Partnerships for the Information Society: Regional Perspectives and Global Dimensions

go United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

16 - 18 November 2005;  Rooms Amilcar, St Augustin & Zaghouan
UNESCO at WSIS in Tunis
Unesco's Virtual Stand

go United Nations ICT Task Force

17 November 2005; 13.00 - 17.00; Rooms Hannibal & Médenine
High-Level Panel and Round Table
Overview of Events


17 November 2005; 09.00 - 12.30; Room Jendouba
Workshop on Understanding Knowledge Societies

go United Nations University

14 - 17 November 2005; Rooms La Goulette & Saint Augustin
UNU Parallel Events

go Universal Postal Union

16 November 2005: 15.00 -19.00; Room Hammameth
The postal sector: your partner in delivering the information society

go U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

14 - 17 November 2005
USA Pavilion
Overview of Events

go World Electronic Media Forum

15-16 November 2005
A new Vision of broadcasting in the Information Society

go World Summit Award

15 - 18 November 2005; 
Content Fora @ WSIS
Overview of Events

go Youth Caucus

14 - 18 November 2005
WSIS Youth Panels
Youth Pocket Guide

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