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*Cette page est à la disposition des organisateurs d'événements parallèles. Si vous souhaitez que votre événement figure dans cette liste, envoyez le programme, l'agenda, la liste des orateurs et le lien éléctronique à l'adresse suivante:

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go Arab Women Organization(AWO)

18 November 2005; 09.00 - 11.00; Room El Jem
Arab Women Empowerment in the field of ICT

go Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme

15 - 18 November 2005; Rooms Le Kram, El Jem & Jerba

go Bellanet International

14 - 19 November 2005
Bellanet @ WSIS

go Casa Asia (Spain)

17 November 2005; 11.00 - 12.00; Room Le Kef
Best Practices with Open Source E-Government: Casa Asia Virtual Project

go Centre for Environment and Development for Arab Region and Europe

17 November 2005; 15.00 – 17.00; Room Zaghouan
Forum on Information Society and Environment: e-Environment Best Practices

go Center for International Legal Studies

17 November2005; 10.00; Room Gafsa
World Summit on the Information Society, Tunis: Legal Issues

go Club of Rome/ UNESCO

16 - 18 November 2005; Room GAFSA
Events @ WSIS 2005

go Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility/WGIG Secretariat

16 November 2005; 11.00 - 13.00; Rooms Hammamet & Le Kram
Reforming Internet Governance: Perspectives from the UN Working Group on Internet Governance
The Role of Computer Science and Engineering Professions in Achieving 
WSIS Goals; CSPR Panel

go Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO)

16 November 2005; 13.00 - 1700; Room St Augustin
Scaling Up Civil Society Best Practices to Bridge the Digital Divide [Programme]
Flyer English                                                               Flyer French

go Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors for WSIS

17 November 2005: 10.00 -13.00; Room Amilcar
The business view on critical issues for the Information Society  

go Council of Europe

15 & 17 November; 15.00 - 19.00; Rooms El Jem and Jerba
The Convention on Cybercrime: A Global Treaty?
From here to e-democracy: promoting e-participation

go Cuba

17 November 2005; 11.00; Room Hammamet
The Socialization of ICT: Challenges and Perspectives

go Danish Institute for Human Rights

15 November 2005; 9.00-11.00; Room Matmata
Human Rights in the Global Information Society

go Digital Solidarity Fund

16 November 2005; 11.30 - 13.00; Room Amilcar
Gobal Digital Solidarity Fund Special Session

go ECPAT International and UNICEF

15 November 2005, 9:00-11:00, Room: Zaghouan
WSIS and e-child protection: Protecting children from sexual exploitation through ICTs

go Egypt

16 - 18 November 2005; Rooms La Goulette , El Jem & Jerba Hall 
Egypt @ WSIS

go Ericsson

16 November 11.00 - 13.00; Room: Jendouba
Communication for All

go Gender Caucus

14 - 19 November 2005; Rooms Béja, Nabeul & Sousse
WSIS Gender Caucus Events

go Global Knowledge Partnership

14 - 19 November 2005
A Global Partnership at WSIS 2005

go Global VSAT Forum (GVF)

15 November 2005; 11.00 to 13.00; Room Nabuel
The Contribution of Satellite Communications to the Information Society: Advancing the private/public sector dialogue on spanning the digital divide through broadband satellite solutions

go Guatemala

16 November 2005; 15:00 - 17:00; Room Jerba
Bridging the Digital Divide

go International Development Research Centre

15 - 18 November 2005
Telecentre Leaders Forum

go International Telecommunication Union

15-17 November 2005
ITU High-Level Panel and Round Tables & other parallel events from the ITU

go International Trade Centre

14 - 18 November 2005

go Japan

16 November 2005: 17.00 - 19.00; Room Saint Augustin
Toward the realization of a Ubiquitous Network Society

organisers m- z   Next>>>>




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