Cybersecurity and Privacy in a World of Data Driven Innovation


The increasing ease of linking and analyzing information raises concerns about individual privacy protection.  Personal data is the type that has drawn the most attention, from a regulatory and policy point of view, in relation to data driven innovation.  Thus, the challenge is to achieve a reasonable balance between individuals’ right to privacy and the emerging opportunities in data driven innovation.  This workshop will focus on balancing the value of economic growth fueled by this data driven innovation and technological developments with the protection of privacy.

Specifically, relationships are formed and based on connections and interactions.  Individuals have relationships with humans and entities such as their employers, social media channels and others.  In addition, individuals have relationships with objects, such as phones, cars, gaming consoles and other technology based objects.   As these technologies continue to advance rapidly, these connections, roles and relationships multiply exponentially with each innovation.  Given this context of digital relationships, the discussion will include the developing “laws” of relationships between people, entities and things in the context of cyber security and privacy.

Due to the data driven innovation and constantly evolving digital relationships, there is a significant evolution from traditional concepts of self and identity to new, digital identity management approaches that transcend the offline world and the rules that govern it. As global citizens converge on the Internet, and new media, technology and services pervade and influence culture, personal data is being volunteered, leveraged and sometimes compromised. The workshop will discuss the balance of security and privacy rights from the perspective of this data driven innovation. In addition, the floor will be opened to all interested stakeholders; including policy makers, the technology community and mission and cause-based bodies.

Speakers / panellists
  • Mr Pierre Bonis, Deputy CEO, AFNIC
  • Dr J. Roberto de Marca, Past President of IEEE
  • Dr Chaesub Lee, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
  • Ms Audrey Plonk, Director, International Security and Internet Governance Policy, Intel
  • Dr Greg Shannon, Chief Scientist for the CERT® Division at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute; Chair of the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative
  • Mr Robin Wilton. Technical Outreach Director, Identity and Privacy, Internet Society
Session's link to WSIS Action Lines
  • C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs
  • C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
Session's link to the Sustainable Development Process

The use and analysis of data - fueled and empowered by the Internet and the IoT - is a key component of a knowledge community. As we work towards the goals of sustainable development, free flow of and open access to information will be fundamental to innovation and in addressing the challenges of today, and of tomorrow. Technological development, including IoT and the next and future generations of the Internet, will enable tremendous opportunity for empowerment of world citizens, economic growth and societal benefit through the use of data innovation. However, technological developments are creating opportunities and threats that have not existed in the past.

Addressing and finding solutions to issues of privacy and security is, in this increasingly interconnected world of machines and people, critical to the future of sustainable development. Specifically in the context of the future Internet and IoT, aligned with goals to build resilient infrastructure, to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, to foster innovation,  to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, and to address systemic issues of policy, multi-stakeholder processes and data monitoring and use, a new level of trust must be fostered - trust in technology, trust in institutions and trust in protection of data and privacy as a human right. Addressing today's issues of climate change and preserving the planet, access to clean water, health issues and economic development and trade will require the secure and safe collection of data that protects human and enterprise rights while deploying intelligent use and analysis of data and data sets to find trends and solutions.

Session 195
  • Monday 25 May,
  • Room A, ITU Tower
  • Thematic Workshop

WSIS Forum 2015 | Innovating Together: Enabling ICTs for Sustainable Development
25–29 May 2015, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland