WSIS Forum 2017 will be held from 12–16 June 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. More info.

Outcomes of the Open Consultation Process

The Agenda and Program of the WSIS Forum 2016 is being designed in collaboration with the multi-stakeholders on the basis of official submissions received during the Open Consultation Process on the thematic aspects and innovations of the format of the WSIS Forum 2016. Involving all WSIS Stakeholders (governments, civil society, private sector entities, academia and international organizations), this process aims to ensure an active participation of different players during the event. The process began in November 2015 and is structured in five phases that includes online submissions and physical meetings.

All stakeholders were invited to contribute their formal inputs towards shaping the themes and format of the WSIS Forum 2016 through the online official submission form and physical meetings. The ITU-WSIS Secretariat received more than 115 submissions containing proposals on the thematic aspects and innovations on the format of the WSIS Forum 2016, including binding requests for partnerships, workshops, exhibition spaces and so on.

Submissions received by stakeholder type

Submissions received by stakeholder type

Submissions received by stakeholder region

Submissions received by stakeholder region

WSIS Forum 2016 | WSIS Action Lines: Supporting the Implementation of SDGs
2–6 May 2016, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland