The global institutional paradigm shift which we are working for is based on people’s subjective true fulfilling quality of life. The integrity of subjective quality of life with fulfilling life-work with Humanity, Democracy and global Symbiosis enhancement for all must be the core. Then, each individual life flourishes and co-evolves through co-innovation processes, ensuring healthy lives and the promotion of well-being for all (Goal 3). To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all (Goal 4) is a clear pre-requisite for ubiquitous co-evolution/-innovation since collaboration at this level requires that there is no privileged status. This therefore also requires true gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls (Goal 5). Moving away from a competition based framework to one centred on collaboration promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all (Goal 8) because it removes the incentive for short-termism and refocuses the optimization criteria from profit maximization to long-term humane quality improvement. Part of this quality improvement is a refocusing towards sustainable infrastructure, promotions of sustainable industrialization and innovation (Goal 9) because long-term co-evolution perspective requires a symbiotic embedding in the living (human and non-human) and non-living environment. Without the distorting competition based logic that results in ‘zero-sum’ thinking, evidence based assessment of human well-being promotes the reduction of inequality within and among countries (Goal 10) as the only rational way to act. At the level of cities the above points towards a transformation for making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (Goal 11). By shifting from a profit maximizing competition paradigm to a true fulfilment regime based on Humanity, Democracy and Symbiosis there is no longer any incentive for disposable overconsumption, making sustainable consumption and production patterns (Goal 12) an clear priority for human co-evolution. As part of the overall reorientation towards long-term global symbiotic mind-set the taking of urgent action to combat climate chance and its impacts (Goal 13) as well as the promotion of just, peaceful and inclusive societies (Goal 16) become inevitable action priorities.