Opening of the ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming special track


Session 112

13:00–14:00 (UTC+01:00), Monday, 8 March 2021 ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming Thematic Workshop

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are tools through which gender equality and women's empowerment can be advanced, and are integral to the creation of societies in which both women and men can substantively contribute and participate.
The WSIS Forum had launched a 50/50 gender balance challenge in the wake of call for realising equal participation at the WSIS Forum. The WSIS Stakeholders are all invited to mainstream a gender equality perspective and use ICTs to accelerate progress towards gender equality.
This year, the WSIS Forum 2021 continues with the ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming special track, comprises interactive sessions with different topics covering gender and ICTs issues. This effort is also part as an initiative in addressing the gender gap in ICT that aligns with SDG Goal 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”. The cross-cutting commitments on gender equality are further echoed across all WSIS Action Lines.
To highlight the importance of the matter at hand and our commitment, the track will be inaugurated at the Opening of ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming track, which will be held on 8 March 2021 at 13:00-14:00 CET with the participation of high-level officials. 

Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin Director of Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) ITU

Doreen Bogdan-Martin was elected Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau in November 2018 and took office on 1 January 2019, and is the first woman in ITU history to hold one of the organization’s top elected management positions.

She is a strategic leader with more than 30 years’ high-level experience in international and inter-governmental relations, and a long history of success in policy and strategy development, analysis and execution. ​ 

She was an architect of the annual Global Symposium for Regulators, the pre-eminent global event for digital policy-makers, and leads ITU’s contribution to the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. For more than a decade she has served as Executive Director of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, and is leading ITU’s collaboration with UNICEF on the Giga project to connect all the world’s schools.

Ms Bogdan-Martin is a frequent speaker at top-level international policy events, and is spearheading ITU’s new Youth Strategy to more actively engage with the young people who are driving the next wave of digital transformation.

She holds a Master’s degree in International Communications Policy from the American University in Washington, DC and a post-graduate certificate in Strategies for Leadership from the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. 

She is an affiliate of the Harvard University Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society, and is a Generation Unlimited Champion and a Champion of the EDISON Alliance led by the World Economic Forum. She serves on a number of advisory bodies, including the Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative, the SDG Lab Advisory Board, the UN Technology Innovation Labs, and the Alumni Expert Council of the Internet Governance Lab of the American University in Washington D.C. She is also a qualified amateur radio operator.

Ms Bogdan-Martin is married with four children.

Mr. Stephen Bereaux
Mr. Stephen Bereaux Deputy Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau ITU Moderator

Stephen Bereaux is the Deputy to the Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau since 7 March 2020.

Mr. Bereaux is an experienced regulator, with more than 20 years of executive and senior management experience in regulatory bodies in the Caribbean region. Prior to joining ITU, Mr Bereaux was Chief Executive Officer of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Bahamas which regulates the ICT and Electricity sectors, advises the Government on policies relating to those sectors, and represents The Bahamas at international sector related organisations such as the ITU.

Prior to joining URCA in 2010, Mr. Bereaux served in senior management roles at the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) from 2004. Before becoming a Regulator, Mr. Bereaux, an Attorney by profession since 1996, practiced law at multinational firms based in London and Hong Kong, specialising in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law.

H.E. Ms. Pamela Gidi
H.E. Ms. Pamela Gidi Deputy Minister, Undersecretary of Telecommunications Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, Chile

Pamela Gidi Masías is a Business Manager from the Catholic University of Chile and MBA of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the London Business School.
Previously to her duties as Vice Minister, she worked as Development and New Platforms Manager in the National Television of Chile.
Also, she worked for 8 years on DirecTV: first in Chile as Marketing, Products and Public Affairs Director.  After that she was promoted as Vice President of DirecTV Latin America in New York.
She has 25 years of solid experience in executive positions in multinational companies such as Unilever, HASBRO, Ford Motor Company, J.C. Penny Company and The Walt Disney Company.

Dr. Mercedes Aramendia
Dr. Mercedes Aramendia President of the Board Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones - URSEC, Uruguay

Mrs. Mercedes Aramendía is the president of the Uruguayan Regulatory Unit of Communication Services (URSEC).
She is a lawyer from the University of Montevideo, Uruguay. She has a Master in Administrative - Economic Law from the same University, and an MBA from Camilo José Cela University - EAE Business School, Madrid, Spain. She also has a degree in Law and a Master´s Degree in Access to the Legal Profession from the Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain. She has an LLM in Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship from Cornell Law School, Cornell Tech, United States of America.
She has broad experience in the telecommunications sector, collaborating with different organizations. Also, she is the Director of the Postgraduate Course named “Digital Transformation and the Law” at the University of Montevideo and is a Professor at the same University.
She has been the coordinator and co-author of two books published in Uruguay related to telecommunications, and has written several articles related to digital rights.
Before being nominated as President of the Board of the URSEC, she has been running the Company name “Mercedes Aramendía” since 2018, from where she worked and collaborated with various telecommunication, technology, and entrepreneurship organizations. Before 2018, she worked as the Head of Institutional Relations and Regulation at Telefónica Móviles of Uruguay, as the Lawyer of the Chamber of Telecommunications in Uruguay, and in KPMG Uruguay.
In 2019, she was recognized by URSEC as one of the outstanding Uruguayan women in regulation and / or communications.

Mr. Mario Alberto Fócil Ortega
Mr. Mario Alberto Fócil Ortega Operative Secretary of Administration Federal Court for Administrative Justice, Mexico

BA in Political Science and Public Administration, Master in Economics and Government, PhD Candidate in Public Administration, with an Executive Certificate in Management and Leadership from the Sloan School of Management del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

30 years’ experience in Senior Management related to resources administration, design and implementation of policies for open contracting and transparency in governmental procurement, talent, budget and ICT management, in the federal public sector. Since February of 2020, he was appointed as Operative Secretary of Administration in the Federal Court for Administrative Justice.

As Head of the Administration Unit of the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), he was responsible, among others, for the design and implementation of better practices for diversity and inclusion; affirmative actions for the professional development of women, accessibility measures, both physical and digital, such as a new web page which complies with the Web Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA.

In his tenure, the IFT became:

1st public institution certified in Mexican Standard for Laboral Equality and No Discrimination

(99 of 100 possible points). Awarded with Bronze level.
1 of only 3 public institution with the “Equity MX-Best places to work LGBT” certification, by

the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
Best international practice awarded by the EULAC Foundation and EurosociaAL for the IFT

talent seedbed, as a first job program for young women

In his career, he has been:
Member of the Executive Committee of “5050 Women on Boards México”, which seeks to

increase the participation of women in Corporate Boards.
Advisor to the organization WICT-Women in Latin American Media.
In 2019, he was considered in the first edition of the “41 + 1 LGBT Executives of Mexico”, by

Expansión Magazine, ADIL and Love4All.
Member of the Mexican delegations and speaker at various events organized by the Asia

Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) on gender equality and inclusion (Chile and Vietnam, 2019) and within the framework of the Political Association on Women and the Economy (Australia and Papua New Guinea, 2018).

Mr. Loïc Hervé
Mr. Loïc Hervé Secretary of the Senate Senate, France

Loïc Hervé, Senator of Upper Savoy since 2014, is the secretary of the Senate. Member of the committee on constitutional laws, legislation, universal suffrage, rules and general administration, he is also member of the delegation for women's rights and equal opportunities between men and women, and of the french data protection authority (CNIL). He belongs to the center right group (Union Centriste).


He was Mayor of Marnaz (2008-2017) and President of Cluses-Arve-Montagnes Inter cities (2014-2017).

Mr. Andrew W. Wyckoff
Mr. Andrew W. Wyckoff Director OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation

Andrew W. Wyckoff is the Director of the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) where he oversees OECD’s work on innovation, business dynamics, science and technology, information and communication technology policy as well as the statistical work associated with each of these areas.

His experience prior to the OECD includes being a program manager of the Information, Telecommunications and Commerce program of the US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), an economist at the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and a programmer at The Brookings Institution.

He has served as an expert on various advisory groups and panels which include joining the Global Board of Trustees of Digital Future Society (DFS), being a Commissioner on the Lancet/FT Governing Health Futures 2030 Commission, the International Advisory Board of the Research Council of Norway and Head of OECD’s Delegation at the G20 and G7 meetings on ICT and Digital Economy.

Mr. Wyckoff is a citizen of the United States, holds a BA in Economics from the University of Vermont, and a Master of Public Policy from the JFK School of Government, Harvard University.

Ms. Kirthi Jayakumar
Ms. Kirthi Jayakumar Founder The Gender Security Project, India

Kirthi Jayakumar is a feminist researcher and lawyer from Chennai, India. She founded and runs The Gender Security Project, one of the few WPS centres in the global south, which works at the cusp of gender, security, peace, and conflict through research, reportage, and documentation. Kirthi coded an app for survivors of gender-based violence called Saahas, which works as a web and mobile app. She taught herself to code and created a web app, a mobile app and a Facebook ChatBot to support survivors of gender-based violence across 196 countries, and to assist bystander intervention.