Multistakeholderism: success stories. How technology, its protagonists and knowledge can put together change into action with SDGs

Phileas Flow

Session 234

14:00–15:00 (UTC+01:00), Friday, 5 March 2021 Thematic Workshop

Through these success stories, the best practices and mechanisms are exposed to achieve actions of high social impact with the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence, mapping, machine learning. 


Prove that technology and multi-stakeholders community can be useful to make changes happen.

About Phileas Flow

We are an innovation platform that gathers:

Multi-stakeholders : bring together change-makers, private companies and public bodies 
Technology : platform + knowledge sharing
Change: align with SDG

Justine Laurent
Justine Laurent Managing Director Circulab Circulab (France)

Trained in international management and innovation, Justine is the managing partner of the Circulab agency. She helps large groups, entrepreneurs and local authorities to understand and apply the circular economy through design.
To do this she designs with her team, methods and tools such as the Circular Canvas, and do training and tailor-made support to help them bring their projects to fruition.

Keith Sonnet
Keith Sonnet Chief Executive Computer Aid International (UK)

Keith has been chief executive of Computer Aid for the last nine years specilaising in using digital technologies to overcome disadvantage and discrimination. In doing so, Computer Aid seeks to mitigate the detrimental effects of electronic waste and to provide sustainable solutions. 

María Alonso Roldán
María Alonso Roldán Business Development Executive Mapping for Change (UK)

With an academic background in environmental science and rural development, María has devoted her professional life to projects about sustainable development and livelihood improvements. She has more than ten years experience working for NGOs and Social Enterprises across Europe in projects ranging from sustainable mobility to short food supply chains.

Lené Tourn
Lené Tourn CoFounder Phileas Flow — CoFounder Uncomuns Phileas Flow (Argentina & Spain) Moderator

International communication and branding consultant. In 2004 she founded Uncomuns Brand Consultancy in Barcelona (Spain) from which she is advising on communication and branding matters to private companies, institutions and entrepreneurs. She is currently co-founder of Phileas Flow. Passionate about communication and how technology can help achieve the SDGs objectives. Member and support of several NGOs.

Mr. Diego Siles
Mr. Diego Siles Cofounder Phileas Flow (Argentina & Spain) Moderator

Right now working for Phileas Flow (Buenos Aires, Barcelona & Seville) (Gijón & Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) and Zest Advisory & Innovation (Miami, Tel Aviv, Sao Paulo & Madrid).ç

On my daily activities I'm really focused to achieve the SDG´s by the United Nations (2030 Agenda).

- More than 20 years involved in International Trade (Latam, North America, North Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia)

Strong negotiation and communication skills, a real problem solver, high commitment with people and company, emotional intelligence, confidenciality, really good team player, leadership skills and resistance to stress.

Diego Siles (Linkedin)

Daniel Suárez Sánchez
Daniel Suárez Sánchez Founder & CEO at (Spain)

Econologist & Chief Exploration Officer (CEO)
at Zapiens Technologies S.L

Co-founder and CEO of Zapiens Technologies S.L., a knowledge management
company where he works with international clients such as Vodafone, Ikea,
Thyssenkrupp or Deutsche Bahn.
Co-author of the book "Socrates and Econology", where he presents his
philosophical vision on a more organic management of companies.
Professor in different institutions, among them the IE Business School, the
University of Oviedo or the Nave Nodriza where he shares learning and
explorations of his professional life. Speaker in several technological
and human resources events in which he shares his vision of
different topics: AI, future of work, entrepreneurship,etc.
Founder of the first decelerator and organic incubator in Spain
- the freehouse - and promoter and co-founder of more than
15 startups, outstanding among them: Bendita Llave,
Rural Talent, So!Miedo, OkTicket.

Check Daniel’s LinkedIn profile
for more information: Daniel Suárez

Artificial Intelligence Cultural Diversity Digital Divide Digital Economy Environment Machine Learning
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C7 E–LEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-learning
  • AL C8 logo C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
  • AL C11 logo C11. International and regional cooperation
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 1 logo Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 10 logo Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 13 logo Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 17 logo Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development