ICTs and Older Persons: How to improve the e-inclusion of seniors in order to ensure social fairness, avoid intergerational divide and help all ages to build resilience capacities in order to react to crises (Association E-SENIORS)


Session 291

12:00–13:00 (UTC+02:00), Monday, 19 April 2021 ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

The speakers will all relate to the use of ICT for the e-inclusion of seniors, but also, taking into account the actual pandemic situation about the new kind of activities that have been revisited  and adapted in light of the pandemic situation in order  to help seniors in their need of resilience capacities to keep healthy and active, to fight against isolation and intergenerational divide and enhance care facilities.

Monique EPSTEIN will present the newest online activities for seniors,  organized by Eseniors in the months of pandemic  and her efforts to influence seniors to sharpen their capacities for (intellectual!) resilience in relation to the problem of isolation, among others

Mai Quaid  Honorary president of Active Retirement Ireland  https://activeirl.ie/

In relation to Older People staying in their own homes as is being promoted by our Health Authority and Age Friendly in Ireland. It will be important for them to stay in touch with Grandchildren while they are in College or otherwise and as such a knowledge of IT and Social Media  and  it's uses are vitally important that they are educated to make use of this.

This would benefit both our Older People and their contact with the younger generation.

Our ambition is to enable everyone to live longer healthier lives by keeping care close to home and expanding the range of health and social care services in the community.

Karina Marcus (Science Officer at the COST - -  programme (www.cost.eu)  in Brussels)

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)  -  a funding organisation for research and innovation networks: the Actions. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and allow the participation of a broader community in an open and collaborative way.

Some of these Actions bring together hundreds of researchers and stakeholders to address in an interdisciplinary approach important questions related to older adults and ICT, such as privacy; language and technology; and smart, healthy indoor and outdoor age-friendly environments. Due to the openness of the COST Actions, any interested person can join and contribute to the ongoing discussions.

Peter Enste  (Head of the research department Institute for Work and Technology  (working under others on  HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE ) Germany) will present a project where we conducted interviews with older people who do not use digital products. Here we can see that there is no general rejection of technology. Rather, it depends on the perceived benefit of the respective technology. A central factor here is the experience that has been made with technologies in lifecourse.

Grażyna Busse, gerontologist/ adult education specialist, president of HIPOKAMP   Educational Centre for Intergenerational Integration in Lodz Poland will tell us about new  online cultural  activities for seniors, such as, Domowy Teatr Radio : 1. Artistic vision of the new reality 2. Learning to record invented stories by sound. 3. Acquiring the ability to use music and sounds around us to create an interesting radio story. 4. Great fun, you will reach for a stress-free medium - radio that has been with us since childhood. 5. An adventure that will stop our voice, our thoughts and our view of reality will be a memento for children and grandchildren.

monique epstein
monique epstein Director E-Seniors association France Moderator

Monique EPSTEIN– director and founder of the association

Senior Consultant, Ms Epstein has strong expertise in application design consulting services and project management. Starting her career as a Math teacher, going over to computers Analyst/Programmer, moving on to designing and implementing RDBMS-based information systems, Monique re-oriented her career in 1994 towards multimedia application design, working as Project Manager, and Consultant. Monique has a MA in computer science. She looks forward working with the latest technologies and is eager to learn new skills on various technical training courses. Since 2004, she has created several non-profit organizations whose common aims are helping e-excluded people (seniors, disabled people and juniors) to get familiar with new technologies.

Monique is also administrator of EURAG6Europe association

Mai Quaid
Mai Quaid President Active Retirement Ireland  https://activeirl.ie/ Ireland

I currently sit on the National Committee of the Peoples Participation Network Secretariat and have just completed a six year term with the Local Community Development Committee and the Local Action Group with responsibility for funding of local projects and SICAP and served for the last three years as Vice-Chair. I’m Chairperson of the Older Peoples Council in Wicklow and serve on the board of the Wicklow Sports Partnership and on the Board of Wicklow Tourism as Company Secretary.

Dr Karina Marcus
Dr Karina Marcus Science Officer at the COST programme COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programme (www.cost.eu)  Brussels BE


PhD in Computer Science, currently Science Officer at the EU funded COST Programme (www.cost.eu) responsible for the several COST Actions. Previously she worked at the EU co-funded Ambient Assisted Living Programme and at the European Commission, in the areas of eHealth and ICT for ageing well, with special focus on involvement of users in the co-design of solutions

Grażyna Busse
Grażyna Busse gerontologist/ adult education specialist      president of    HIPOKAMP HIPOKAMP   Educational Centre for Intergenerational Integration in Lodz Poland  www.seniorzy-hipokamp.pl


 Gerontologist, adult education specialist; postgraduate studies “Social Gerontology” - Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz; Coordinator and originator of number of national & international projects concerning the idea of "active aging in good health" and popularizing of gerontological and geragogical knowledge as well as creating space for educational activities in order to strengthen intergenerational dialogue and cooperation between generations; Board member of the Lodz branch of the Polish Society of Gerontology; co-creates Pro Age Consortium - Gerontechnology and Gerontological Education Lab.

Peter Enste
Peter Enste, PhD Head of the research department Institute for Work and Technology  (working under others on  HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE ) Germany

Peter  Enste completed his studies in social science at the Ruhr University Bochum. Since 2006 he has been a research assistant at the Institute for Work and Technology at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen in the research focus on health management and quality of life. His work and research focus is on social and economic issues of demographic change and the health economy. In 2018 he received his doctorate on the subject of “Personal Health Responsibility in the Context of the Lifespan”. At the Hochschule für Gesundheit, Enste also works as a lecturer and teaches on the subject of "health sciences". He is a member of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics e.V. Current projects deal with the “Geriatric Network Digital - Dortmund's cross-sectoral supply with transparency and patient safety in geriatric care” and “Digitization in the area of ​​old age and care”.

Since 2020 he is head of research department „Health industries & Quality of Life“.

Artificial Intelligence Cultural Diversity Digital Divide Digital Inclusion Education Health Smart Cities
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C5 logo C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • AL C7 E–LEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-learning
  • AL C7 E–HEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-health
  • AL C11 logo C11. International and regional cooperation

We give seniors access to the INTERNET world of information  and culture (C3 )

We empower them so that they can bact as citizens with the tools used by all generations nowadays (C4)

We teach them not to be frightened by the MACHINES and how to have safe access  (when banking or answering mails..etc) C5

We teach also online with ZOOM under others (C7 Elearning

We explain how to use digital devices for ambient assisted living (C7 Health)

We teach also people who want to change jobs all the necessary computer tools ( Word Excel Ecommerce Photoshop…( C7 employement )

We organize a lot of pan European activities for seniors in 28 countries (most of them European)   C8

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 3 logo Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 10 logo Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 17 logo Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

We offer activities to seniors for active healthy ageing and  for wellness (mindfulness is one example)  = Goal 3

By enabling seniors to access the WEB, we give them the keys for lifelong learning and include them into our society (goal 4)

We work with a lot of  east European countries (and even Russia)  where  life level is low but the fact of using digital tools  erases the limits = goal 10

We teach and also help conceiving new programs or apps whose global aim is to make cities more age-friendly = goal 11

We are constantly increasing the number of partners and do believe in  international cooperation = goal 17


We constantly send out newsletters to our members and partners

We participate to  a lot of online seminars, talks..etc