Breaking barriers to universal meaningful connectivity

International Chamber of Commerce Business Action to Support the Information Society

Session 391

Monday, 30 May 2022 16:30–18:15 (UTC+02:00) Room A, ITU Tower Building (with remote participation) Thematic Workshop

The imperative to harness the power of technology as a force for good in the world and chart a digital future that works for everyone, everywhere cannot be understated. To this end, enormous progress has been made in the past years to bring all populations online, by both private and public sector actors. There are numerous private ventures, intergovernmental agreements and multistakeholder commitments to advance on the shared goal of connecting the unconnected. 

Despite this enormous progress  (94% of the world’s population lives in areas covered by a broadband network), only 63% of the global population were using the Internet in 2021, with 2.9 bn people still remaining offline. Closing the coverage and usage gaps depends on addressing barriers to any of the three layers of the digital ecosystem (infrastructure, application and skills). This requires an appropriate mix of economic, technical and regulatory approaches—and hinges largely on private sector investment.

This session will mark the global launch of the International Chamber of Commerce White Paper on Delivering Universal Meaningful Connectivity that discusses barriers to connectivity and best practices to address them. Drawing on extensive consultations with business across a broad range of geographies, the paper aims to:

  • Identify, clarify, and classify major obstacles to delivering connectivity.
  • Spotlight innovative and scalable industry approaches to tackle coverage and usage gaps.
  • Establish an actionable roadmap for policymakers to enable and support business efforts to deliver meaningful connectivity and drive associated private sector investment

Based on the learnings and strategies derived from the private sector’s experience, the paper offers principles for policymaking and highlights priority areas for improvement. Participants at the session will discuss these recommendations and avenues for their implementation.

Ms Timea Suto
Ms Timea Suto Global Digital Policy Lead International Chamber of Commerce Moderator

In her role at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Timea Suto works with global business experts to bring private sector views into activities and decisions of ICC’s Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) initiative. Among her different responsibilities, she leads policy input and project work on digital policy and Internet governance issues, having served as a business representative on the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (2016-2018), and the Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (2018-2020).

ICC is the largest, most representative global business organization and only private sector body to have official Observer status to the United Nations General Assembly. During the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), ICC convened and facilitated business input and through ICC BASIS, it has continued to bring input and support engagement from business into the post-WSIS activities, whether at the UN and its various agencies or via multistakeholder activities. BASIS facilitates business participation and input into these activities while also bringing in views from the wider membership of ICC companies and associations.

Mr Carlos Lopez-Blanco
Mr Carlos Lopez-Blanco 【R】 Chair, Global Digital Economy Commission International Chamber of Commerce

With decades of public and private sector experience in Europe and Latin America, Mr Lopez-Blanco was appointed as Chair of the Global Digital Economy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce in 2020.

Mr Lopez-Blanco has served as the Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society and held numerous leadership positions within the private sector, including General Counsel to IBM Spain, Airbus Spain and Airtel/Vodafone. Throughout his career, Mr Lopez-Blanco has been increasingly active in Latin America, where he served for Telefónica for 10 years.

Since 2017, Mr Lopez-Blanco has chaired the Digitalisation Committee of the Spanish  Chamber of Commerce, which under his leadership, produced comprehensive reports examining the digitalisation of  Spanish small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as the digital transition of the Spanish economy.

In addition, Mr Lopez-Blanco chairs the ESYS Foundation, a group of business leaders, experts, researchers and academics devoted to strengthening cyber security across public and private institutions in Spain. He is also a lecturer at ESADE Law School, one of Spain’s most prestigious universities, where he has taught courses on Law, Society and the Digital Economy.

Eusebio Felguera-Garrido 【R】
Mr Eusebio Felguera-Garrido 【R】 Head of Internet Public Policy Telefónica

With over twenty years’ experience in the telecommunications industry, as an engineer and regulatory specialist, at Telefonica Eusebio Felguera-Garrido works at the forefront of innovation, such Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, that are revolutionizing our society. 

In his role he also represents Telefonica at the ITU and ETSI and participates in events to share Telefonica’s positioning, especially in areas of technology listed above at European and global level.

Mr Drew Bennett 【R】
Mr Drew Bennett 【R】 Director for Global Public Policy The Walt Disney Company

Drew Bennett has over ten years of  analytic and strategic experience working with leading companies and global policy leadership to drive market development and expand access to Information and Communication Technologies. He has deep expertise in international policy, trade, and economic issues impacting the development of global technology markets.

In his role at the Walt Disney Company, he works to shape the global policy environment to facilitate the development of the innovations and connectivity for everyone, everywhere.

Ms Jane Coffin 【R】
Ms Jane Coffin 【R】 Chief Community Officer Connect Humanity

With over twenty years of experience in the connectivity field, Jane Coffin is currently the Chief Community Officer at Connect Humanity. Prior to this role, she she led the Internet Society’s Internet Growth project teams focused on Community Networks, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) & interconnection, peering, and community development, and a new critical project on measuring the health of the Internet.

Previously, she worked on Internet and telecommunications policy issues for the Office of International Affairs at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration – U.S. Department of Commerce, served as Chief of Party, and Deputy Chief of Party on two separate USAID projects in Moldova and Armenia and worked for AT&T as a Director of International Affairs/Government Affairs.

Mr Teddy Woodhouse【R】
Mr Teddy Woodhouse【R】 Senior Research Manager, A4AI World Wide Web Foundation

In his role at the Web Foundation, Teddy Woodhouse focuses his time on the Alliance for Affordable Internet’s research program. He coordinates A4AI’s research projects, conducts original analysis and research to support the organisation’s mission, and uses the team’s insights as evidence for policy change.

Since joining the Foundation in 2016 he has helped co-author a number of publications, including the 2018–2020 Affordability Reports and From Luxury to Lifeline, A4AI’s first study of device prices in low- and middle-income countries. 

Digital Divide Digital Economy Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Infrastructure
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C1 logo C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C6 logo C6. Enabling environment
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5 logo Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 9 logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10 logo Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 17 logo Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development