Projects in Figures

WSIS Prizes 2019 stats

Champion Projects

Category 4 — AL C4. Capacity building (5 Projects)

Electronic agricultural maps

Electronic agricultural cards, with information on Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia, which allow solving problems: 1. optimization of agricultural production; 2. optimization of processing and trade of agricultural pr… more »

Enabling Teachers on Remote Teaching and Learning in the time of Pandemic
Department of Information and Communications TechnologyPhilippines

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all facets of our lives including how we access services in the areas of health, entertainment, commerce, and even education. The pandemic has drastically disrupted education affecting millions of learners all ov… more »

Huawei DigiTruck in Kenya
Huawei Technologies Co LtdChina

Huawei and the Belgian NGO Close the Gap have built a mobile, solar-powered classroom with the aim of bringing digital skills to under-served communities in Kenya. A converted shipping container on wheels, DigiTruck can get to where it’s needed most, rea… more »

Talk to me
Contemporary Education AcademyGeorgia

An application developed for children with mute-deaf parents. Hearing children raised by deaf-mute parents, from the very moment of their birth, suffer from severe communication problems with their family or the society. Early on, there may be thoughts o… more »

The Women Empowerment Program in Technology
Ministry of Communication and Information TechnologySaudi Arabia

"The WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM in ICT sector is a national program providing opportunities for all, and particularly women, sits at the heart of our plan for digitizing the Kingdom. Target audience: All women interested in technology, employees, student… more »