UNGIS Focus 2010-2011

UNGIS Activities for the Year: 2010-2011

Cover image for UNGIS Focus 2010-2011



  • Annual meeting at WSIS Forum 2011:
    • UNGIS High-Level Segment, 16 May 2011
    • UNGIS Working Level Meeting, 19 May 2011
  • Undertake follow-up to the CEB decision with regards to the Overall Review of the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes (WSIS+10)
  • Organize a joint UNGIS input to the Rio + 20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (4-6 June 2012)
  • Organize a joint UNGIS session at UNCTAD XIII Conference in Doha, Qatar
  • Identify UN processes and events relevant to the UNGIS mandate and ensure preparation of the UNGIS position paper(s) in timely manner to ensure advocacy on use of ICTs
  • Establish regular interactions with other UN interagency groups (UNDG, inter agency Task Force on MDGs) and establish a reporting mechanism to HLCP
  • Mapping ICT-related projects of UNGIS members through the WSIS Stocktaking database
  • Enhance collaboration and information sharing through the online platform of WSIS communities
  • Continue joint initiatives on :
    • Open Access to Scientific Information (OASI)
    • Science Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) reviews
    • Mobile for Development (MfD)
  • Cooperate with the Partnership for the Measuring of ICT for Development
  • Raise awareness about UNGIS