UNGIS Focus 2009-2010

UNGIS Activities for the Year: 2009-2010

Cover image for UNGIS Focus 2009-2010



  • Annual meeting at WSIS Forum 2010:
    • UNGIS High-Level Segment, 10 May 2010
    • UNGIS Working Level Meeting, 14 May 2010
  • Consulting on Financial Mechanisms for Meeting the challenges of ICT for Development
  • Stocktaking of ICT-related projects of UNGIS members
  • Mapping of UNGIS members’ initiatives in the areas of science, technology and innovation as well as the promotion of transfer of technology
  • Enhancing collaboration and information sharing through WSIS community online platform
  • Cooperating with the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, encouraging UNGIS members to measure progress made towards reaching the WSIS targets
  • Strengthening the links between the WSIS process outcomes, the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the UN Development Group (UNDG)
  • Recommending how the UN system might best respond to GA resolution 62/208
  • Facilitating implementation of joint initiatives towards 2015
    • Open Access to Scientific Knowledge
    • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Reviews
    • Child Online Protection