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Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change (DCICC)

The DCICC is an open organization whose members may include governments, private sector, standards development organizations, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, researchers, vendors, network operators, academia and other bodies.

Current Members
Current members include UN agencies, standards development organizations (SDOs), researchers, vendors, network operators and other bodies:

Member Activities
Burundi Youth Training Centre (BYTC)
Burundi Youth Training Centre (BYTC) is preparing two videoconferences sessions allowing our youths to interact with participants in Copenhagen’s conference on Climate Change. So, using ICTs, we will enable youths to have awareness and contribute to the matter related to Climate Change.
Climate Associates Ltd.
Climate Associates Ltd. work to encourage and support environmental initiatives among clients and colleagues and also to minimize the environmental impact of ICT by introducing reduction, recycling and mitigation to international standards.
logo Climate Risk Climate Risk Ltd
Climate Risk Ltd works on identifying and assessing climate change risks, how to address them and any opportunities arising for telecommunications companies and for insurance corporates.
logo CO2 stats CO2stats
CO2stats is the world’s largest environmental certifier of websites. Through increased energy efficiency and automated purchasing of renewable energy, CO2Stats helps websites reduce their impact on climate change.
Logo ITU International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
As a global organization with 191 Member States and more than 600 Sector Members representing industry, ITU will offer its unique sectoral competences to play a leading role in developing an integrated approach to the relation between ICTs and climate change, focusing on key elements of the Bali process and negotiation framework, notably technology, climate data and monitoring, adaptation and mitigation. ITU will work closely with its membership to lead efforts to achieve a climate neutral ICT industry.

As the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for telecommunications/ICTs, ITU is committed to working in partnership with other organizations to contribute to the fight against climate change and will participate actively in meetings of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and contribute its expertise in telecommunications/ICTs to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It will join in the effort of the UN system to “deliver as one” to address climate change and will take steps to deepen the global understanding of the relation between ICTs and climate change.

As a responsible member of the global community, ITU will join the UN commitment to lead by example by achieving climate-neutral status within three years. ITU will continue to promote the use of ICTs to strengthen and develop scientific and industrial tools in all areas, to the fullest extent possible, to combat climate change.

ITU and Climate Change   |   ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment and Climate Change

Logo SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community / German Technical Cooperation (SPC/GTZ)
The SPC/GTZ Project is the first climate change-specific project for SPC Land Resources Division (LRD). The Project has its origins from the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (HOAFS) meeting of September 2006 where it was strongly recommended that the SPC Land Resources Division develop a regional project proposal on climate change.

The Heads of the sectors recognised the urgent need to respond to the growing impacts of climate change and it was recommended that SPC LRD:
  • support local communities of member countries to manage and adapt to climate change,
  • support vulnerable communities to improve food and nutritional security, and
  • focus on areas of land-based resource management (such as sustainable forest management, sustainable land management, sustainable agriculture) that can serve as climate change adaptation and mitigation
Following the HOAFS meeting a proposal was drawn up by the Land Resources Division and in March 2007, the proposal was submitted to the Government of the Federal Republic Germany. The goal of the proposal was to strengthen the capacities of Pacific communities to adapt to and mitigate climate change through sustainable land based resource management. Drawing from the recommendations of the Heads of Agriculture and Forestry meeting, two components of the proposal were developed:
  1. Climate change adaptation and mitigation through sustainable management of land-based natural resources, and
  2. Climate change issues mainstreamed into regional and national policies and plans
In December 2007, the Government of Germany formally stated its financial commitment to work with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community on the proposed Project.

An appraisal mission carried out in late 2007 and early 2008 saw 3 countries selected for the regional programme. These are Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu. Out of the 3, Fiji is the only country with a mitigating component, which is REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). This focus is in response to the consultations carried out with stakeholders in Fiji.
Logo The Knowledge Foundation The Knowledge Foundation
The Knowledge Foundation has been involved in addressing Climate change through its program called “ELEMENTS 5” (Harnessing the 5 elements of nature for human utility). The program is multifaceted in its approach to raise awareness of environment:
  1. An outreach program with schools and colleges thereby creating awareness on 5 major areas of saving energy and focus on alternates sources, bio fuel, LED lighting, Green Architecture and Domestic waste management.
  2. Creating a elevator pitch for entrepreneurs, innovators who are doing pathbreaking work on these areas and bringing them to lime light and networking them with VC’s , PE and HNI’s.
  3. Creating an online store where such technology can be made easily available to people for adoption.
  4. Setting up of a bi annual event that will bring forth leading thinkers in the related field to archive knowledge and discuss current success stories from other parts of the world.
Wipro Ltd.
Wipro is driving a self transformation to create an ecologically sustainable organization and business. We have launched a corporate-wide initiative, Eco Eye, to focus on a holistic engagement with stakeholders across the value chain, going beyond the statutory / regulatory requirements. It is driven by top-leadership commitment and embedded into Wipro’s core strategy & processes. The Eco Eye Charter is build around 5 themes:
  • Make Wipro an ecological surplus organization (Energy, Water, Waste, Bio-diversity)
  • Build businesses driven on/by ecological forces (Integrated Green Solutions for Customers - Green IT & Lighting, IT for Green, Water, EcoEnergy)
  • Widen circle of influence – Engage with increasing levels of intensity employees, suppliers, communities, government, etc.
  • Transparent reporting and disclosure
  • Risk mitigation and planning

Wipro is participating in the voluntary Carbon Disclosure Project. Wipro has also signed a partnership agreement with WWF to explore the use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) to drive sustainable development.


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Updated : 2011-11-25