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ITU Strategy in relation to Climate Change

Developing an effective response to climate change calls for action in virtually all of the ITU’s fields of competence. An integrated approach is essential to address the range of technological, scientific, policy, organizational, economic and social issues involved.

Within the UN system, ITU has unique competence in the ICT sector, making its work relevant to nearly all aspects of developing a system-wide (“ONE UN”) approach to this issue. ITU can contribute to nearly all of the main pillars of work under the Bali framework for negotiations, i.e. science and data monitoring, adaptation, mitigation and technology. At the same time, ITU must reach out to its membership to assist them in combating climate change and adapting to it, and will engage more fully with other organizations active in these efforts.

The draft strategy builds on existing strengths within the Union relevant to climate change and identifies new opportunities for climate-relevant activities. It proposes four main objectives for an ITU strategy and general orientations to achieve those objectives:

ITU Strategy - More about each objective

1: Develop a Knowledge Base   |    2: ITU as a strategic leader

3: Promote global understanding   
|    4: Achieve a climate-neutral ITU


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Updated : 2011-07-26