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ITU Strategy in relation to Climate Change:
Objective 3

Promote a global understanding of the relation between ICTs and climate change through international fora and agreements
Following upon the Bali Conference, negotiations will continue toward new global agreements and arrangements on climate change. For example, climate change will be a main topic of the 2008 G8 meeting in Japan. ITU needs to follow and participate in these activities to ensure that the important role of ICTs is properly reflected and to promote an understanding of the linkage between technology, behavioral change and climate change.

Main Orientations:

  1. Take an active role in efforts to deliver a ONE UN approach to climate change by contributing to the debate at the Chief Executives Board (CEB) and the High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) on climate change through appropriate inputs, and closely monitor their outputs and adopt ITU strategies accordingly.
  2. Closely monitor ongoing global negotiations on climate change and participate actively at meetings planned under the Bali roadmap and organize events to raise the visibility of ITU on this issue.
  3. Take an active role in other UN inter-agency mechanisms dealing with climate change, incluidng the Environmental Management Group.
  4. Strengthen strategic partnerships with FAO, UNEP, WMO, IPCC and other UN agencies, the World Bank, the European Commission, international and national agencies and organizations (e.g. meteorological agencies, Group on for Earth Observations (GEO), EUMETSAT, ESA, Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG), JAXA, NOAA, NASA, RSA, etc.), NGOs and the private sector involved in combating climate change.
  5. Promote the link between ICTs and climate change at other inter-governmental meetings where the issue is raised, (eg. Conference on Sustainable Development, New York, May 2008, the WSIS C7 facilitation meetings on e-science and e-environment).


ITU Strategy - More about each objective

1: Develop a Knowledge Base   |    2: ITU as a strategic leader

3: Promote global understanding   
|    4: Achieve a climate-neutral ITU


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Updated : 2011-07-26