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Putting Youth at the forefront: Paving the way for an enabling environment for youth to thrive and prosper, Closing Remarks
The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), Doha  05 March 2023


On behalf of the ITU and our co-organisers, the Qatar Fund for Development and UNDP, I thank each speaker and participant for sharing their perspectives so insightfully.

Today's discussion showed me that young people are truly taking digital leadership.

They are paving the way for a more connected, sustainable future for us all.

Digital leadership will be a win-win mix for everyone.

Young people will achieve their life aspirations. LDCs will advance their economies.

  • We now see, in the past decade since the last LDC, the idea of 'digital' has become reordered in all our plans.
  • It is no longer an optional element in our society. It is a necessity.
  • COVID-19 showed us how fragile our society really is. Due to lack of Internet access, millions of students were denied education and employment opportunities. In the case of LDCs, the effect was disproportionately worse still, and entire economies experienced damage.
  • There are further spill overs we should acknowledge. Climate changes and emergencies are urgently forcing the pace of digital inclusion and innovation.

What is our path forward?

  • Connectivity is key for all of us. It will shape our collective digital future.
  • The ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau is fully focused on connecting the unconnected 2.7 billion people in the world because global education, economic prosperity, and livelihood all depend on it.
  • So, what next? We now need to talk in concrete terms.
  • Let us all—young people, UN agencies, stakeholders--take this conversation forward, beyond this room, to our communities and offices.
  • We are listening to you. Let us really work together. This is my call to action to you.
  • I invite all youth here to join Generation Connect – the ITU initiative to engage youth in global digital policy. We have some Generation Connect Youth Envoys and team members in the room who can share more details with you after the session.
  • Together, let us further amplify youth voices for a safer, more inclusive digital future – where no one will be left behind!

Thank you.​