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ITU-D Study Group 2, Opening remarks
Geneva, Switzerland  30 October 2023

Dr Fadel Digham, Chair of Study Group 2,

Vice-Chairs of Study Group 2

Rapporteurs and Vice-Rapporteurs of Study Group 2

Ms Roxanne McElvane Webber, Chair of TDAG


Distinguished guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be here with you today for this second annual meeting of ITU-D Study Group 2 for the 2022-2025 study period.

Congratulations to Study Group 1 for the splendid work done last week.

I have no doubt that we will witness magnificent work during this week by ITU-D Study Group 2 based on the splendid work done so far by the Group including the successful workshops held during the Rapporteur Group meetings in May and June of this year.


Ladies and Gentlemen

Before us, are noticeably clear targets and goals.

This week, Study Group 2 aims to approve an interim deliverable on cybersecurity and review annual progress of rapporteur groups and draft chapters of final reports. The meeting will also approve changes in management team members requested by administrations due to career movements.

But most importantly, this week we will discuss topics relevant to Digital Transformation.

As one of the five thematic priorities adopted at ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference held in 2022, digital transformation will be pivotal to harness progress, inclusivity, and sustainability for many. And thus, digital transformation is the cornerstone of our collective global future.

Your work is key to help realize the ITU goals of universal and meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.

As part of this, the Telecommunication Development Bureau is focused on BDT4Impact - our vision of sustainable digital development impact everywhere.


We must continue to be concerned about the 2.6 billion people who are still offline.

They face digital exclusion, shut out from life-changing opportunities.

As you work, please note that your work has enormous human impact. We cannot overestimate its importance. Through your work, I hope that we can together help find solutions to overcome the many challenges that confront humanity.


Ladies and gentlemen,

We should acknowledge that time is of essence, and we must optimise the opportunities before us and ensure that we finalize our work before the next World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-25), which will take place in Thailand in 2025.

As you proceed with your work, please consider the following 4 strategic questions that I believe when answered could maximize our operational impact:

  • How can we leverage data and technologies in our Study Group work?
  • What support do you need to generate more value?
  • How do we ensure better use of ITU-D Study Groups outputs?
  • How can we ensure that our current work inform the Study Groups questions for the next cycle?

You are not alone. Close collaboration with Study Group 1, other groups, ITU Sectors, and other organizations, is key to ensure the success of our work and efforts.

To strengthen synergies, we have included an information session on BDT projects this afternoon. We will present selected BDT projects and the project dashboard linked to Study Group 2 Questions.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to share my appreciation for the work of the entire ITU-D Study Group 2 management team under the leadership of Mr Fadel Digham, Chair of Study Group 2.

Thank you to all our Vice Chairs as well as Rapporteurs and Vice Rapporteurs.

I thank you for being part of the ITU-D Study Group 2 family.

Your work is critical in establishing the foundations of prosperity in a digital age and sparking compelling opportunities across the planet.

This week is another step towards that. I wish you all a successful and engaging meeting.

Thank you!