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ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova  31 March 2015



Mr. Brahima Sanou

Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS

"Broadband for Sustainable Development"

31 March – 1 April 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Excellency Mr. Filip Pavel, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Republic of Moldova

Mr. Nurudin Mukhitdinov,Director General of RCCETC

Distinguished delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure and privilege to join the host in welcoming you at the opening of the Regional Development Forum for CIS.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Filip Pavel, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Moldova for the invitation to hold this significant regional event in the capital of the Republic of Moldova and for the usual and kind hospitality extended to all of us.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are living in an era of convergence of telecom/ICT infrastructure, the convergence of services and the convergence of service providers. We are witnessing the emergence of new players, the displacement of revenues and the changes in business models.

The telecom/ICT industry has become broad and diverse, but most importantly it is changing so rapidly that it seems that the future is today.

Under such circumstances, reporting back to the membership every 4 years at the occasion of Regional Preparatory Meetings to WTDC and WTDC itself would not be effective enough.

It is against this background that I took the initiative in 2011 to make the Regional Development Forums (RDF) the platforms for annual reporting to the membership at regional levels.

The RDF is meant to be a platform for dialogue and interaction on the implementation of Dubai Action Plan between ITU-D Members and BDT.

The RDF is also an occasion to extend the conversation on development issues to other stakeholders of the telecom/ICT ecosystem who are not yet Members of ITU Development sector.

I was very happy that such approach was embedded in Resolution 17 of WTDC-14.

As you are aware, WTDC-14 held in Dubai adopted five Regional Initiatives (RIs) proposed by CIS countries.

I am glad to report to you that since last WTDC, the ITU area Office in Moscow worked closely with relevant regional stakeholders to formulate an implementation plan.

During this RDF, we will present the proposed implementation plan for all the Regional Initiatives with the purpose of getting your feedback to ensure that they meet your vision and aspirations. 

It goes without saying that the implementation of the Regional Initiatives requires a true multi-stakeholder approach led by the governments of the region.

We in the BDT will take the needful steps to extend our hands to all the stakeholders in the region and outside the region for the implementation of these initiatives because Regional Initiatives have been and will remain my main priority and focus.

Let me seize this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to the Secretariat of RCC led by Mr. Nurudin Mukhitdinov for the support and the close cooperation with ITU. We shall continue to strengthen such cooperation because we have the same goals and we are serving the same people of the region.

Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The theme of the RDF is "Broadband for Sustainable Development".

For the CIS, which is one of the most dynamic and fast moving regions of the world in terms of ICT, broadband development is one of key priorities and the goal one of the regional initiatives.

Broadband development will contribute to sustainable development through timely service delivery for health, education, banking, and business. I believe that we should take all measures to avoid a new digital divide arising from unequal access to broadband technologies.

In conclusion, I would like to welcome you all to this Regional Development Forum and to reiterate  my gratitude and appreciation to our host, Moldova, and particularly to His excellency Minister Pavel for honoring us with his presence to this opening ceremony.

I look forward to very fruitful discussions.

I thank you.