Committed to connecting the world

RDF ASP: Session 8

​​​​​​​RDF-ASP2020 (中文)​​     ​​​RDF-ASP2020​ 

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The world is currently not on track to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals. The COVID-19 has further deepen the inequalities and magnified the impact of digital divide. 

School closures, inability to access healthcare and loss of income are leading to psychological stress, discrimination as well as domestic violence amongst vulnerable communities.

As of July, the pandemic has shut down schools in some 160 countries, affecting more than 1 billion students, while at least 40 million children have missed out on pre-school”.

With 10 years remaining to connect the 3.9 billion of the world’s population, Digital Inclusion efforts is crucial in building back better. An inclusive development requires giving due consideration to people from all communities and backgrounds. 

The 2021 World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-21) comes at a defining moment for the world and our place in it. The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought home the stark reality that in today’s hyper-connected economies, connectivity is not just important; it is absolutely critical. At the same time, it is increasingly clear that the success of this final Decade of Action in achieving the SDGs will largely rest on digital solutions. With governments around the world now according unprecedented importance to the development of digital networks and services, WTDC-21 represents our best chance in decades to mobilize the global community around the power of digital transformation and reshape the connectivity agenda. This session aims at discussing key reforms for World Telecommunication Development Conference in 2021 that are agreed during TDAG 2020 so that the WTDC could be a solutions-based conference that addresses the real challenges in the development of telecommunications/ICTs.

Outlines of topic:
  • Update on the TDAG Working Groups and preparation for WTDC
  • Regional coordination and APT preparatory meetings
  • Regional and Inter-regional Preparatory Meetings

Ms Atsuko Okuda
Regional Director
for Asia and the Pacific
International Telecommunication Union
[​Short bio]
Mr. Stephen Bereaux
Deputy to Director, BDT, ITU

Dr. Ahmad R. Sharafat
Chairman of APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-21
Mr Bocar Ba
CEO, SAMENA Telecommunications Council, Chair of  IAGDI-CRO
Dr. S. Ismail Shah
ITU Area Representative for Southeast Asia and other Member States in Asia and the Pacific,