Committed to connecting the world

ITU Regional Development Forum for Asia and the Pacific, 2-5 November 2020


​​Outcome report

​Introduction & BackgroundRegional Development Forums (RDFs) provided an opportunity for high-level dialogue between the International Telecommunication Union and decision-makers of ITU Member States, Sector Members as well as other stakeholders. They serve as a platform for assessing strategic orientations that may have an impact on BDT's regional work plan in between World Telecommunication Development Conferences (WTDCs) and provide additional guidance on actions of other sectors. This year, the RDF-ASP will also include information about the WTDC 21 reforms.
In line with the requirements of output D 1.5 of the objectives set out by WTDC-17, RDF-ASP 2020 is being organized to report on the activities of the Buenos Aires Action Plan 2020 for ASP region, with particular emphasis on Regional Initiatives[RA1]  in order to get feedback of membership from Asia-Pacific region to realign the BDT's work in the region.

RDF-ASP 2020  reported on ITU Regional Office activities related to the Membership, Projects , Partnerships, ITU Centres of Excellence, with the objective to: 
  • Understand issues and challenges the Members are facing in post COVID-19 transformation of economies and societies thereby being able to identify and formulate action plans to assist the countries.
  • Promote and strengthen international cooperation and partnerships towards achieving SDGs, regional and national goals;  
Expected results
  • Increased information in Asia-Pacific region on WTDC reform initiatives
  • Enhanced visibility of ITU activities and achievements in the region
  • Identified priorities in digital connectivity and digital transformation
  • Enhanced  awareness and understanding of region's challenges and opportunities in connecting the unconnected
  • Digital Connectivity models and transformation
  • Improved operational programming of RO-ASP for 2021
  • Opportunities to strengthen and develop partnerships


Call for Contributions


We kindly invite all stakeholders to submit their written input and proposals in the form of contributions …​​