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Asia-Pacific Regional Development Forum 2016 (RDF2016)

I TU Regional Development Forum for Asia-Pacific Region (RDF-ASP2016) on "ICTs for Smart Sustainable Asia-Pacific" is being organized from  6 - 7 June 2016 in Manila, Philippines. The Forum is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with and hosted by the Department of Science and Technology - Information and Communication Technology Office (DOST-ICTO), Philippines and with the support from the Department of Communication.

RDF ASP 2016 aims to provide a platform for high-level dialogue between and among the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) and the decision makers of the ITU Member States, Sector and Academia Members in the Asia-Pacific Region. 

As we approach the midstream of the BDT Operational Cycle 2015-2018, the Forum will focus on assessing strategic orientations that may have impact on BDT's regional work plan in the Asia-Pacific region in between World Telecommunication Development Conferences (WTDCs). In this context, RDF-ASP2016 will report on the activities of the Dubai Action Plan, with particular emphasis on the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives (RIs) implemented and planned, including:

  • ASP RI1: Special consideration for Least Developed Countries (LDcs), small island developing states, including Pacific island countries, and LandLocked Developing Countries (LLDCs)
  • ASP  RI2: Emergency telecommunications
  • ASP  RI3: Harnessing the benefits of new technologies
  • ASP RI4: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband
  • ASP RI5: Policy and regulation

RDF 2016 Outcome Report


  1. ITU is pleased to provide one full fellowship to one participant duly authorized by the respective ITU Administrations from Least Developed Countries and eligible Low-Income Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region, subject to available budget, to facilitate their participation in the Forum. The fellowship request form is available under the event documents tab (ONLY for Least Developed Countries and Low Income Developing Countries).
  2. The deadline for submission of online registration is closed.
  3. Following the RDF 2016, ITU, DOST-ICTO and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are co-organizing the Innovative Strategies for Development Forum 2016 immediately following the RDF-ASP2016 on 8-10 June 2016.


Draft Program

Day 1: June 6, 2016

0800 - 0900

Registration of participants and provision of Forum and information materials

0900 - 0930

Opening Session

   Welcome Remarks:
●​  Hon. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre​, Undersecretary, Department of Science and                   Technology, Information and Communication Technology Office, Philippines
●​  Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
Keynote Address​: 

●  Hon. Mr. Mario G. Montejo,  Secretary, Department of Science and Technology,                     Republic of the Philippines

0930 - 1000

Group Photo and Coffee Break

1000 - 1100 

Session 1: WTDC14 Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives : Setting the Regional Context  

Chair: Hon. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre , Undersecretary, Department of Science and              Technology, Information and Communication Technology Office, Republic of the Philippines 

The Session will present and discuss the strategic outcomes achieved so far from the implementation of the activities, projects and partnerships under the ITU WTDC-14 Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives.

●  Implementing the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives 2015-2018 
     Speaker: Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the 
     Pacific  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

●  Regional Initiatives Beyond 2017, World Telecommunication Development Conference and 
     the linkage to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
     Speaker: Dr. Bohyun Seo, Vice Chair, TDAG  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]
●  Strategic Dialogue on “Meeting ITU Asia-Pacific  Regional Initiative Expectations  ” 

 Ms. Natasha Beschorner, The World Bank [Short Bio]
 Mr. Guillaume Mascot, Head of Government Relations APJ & India, NOKIA 
    [Short Bio]  [Presentation]​​
​  ​​Mr. Masanori Kondo, Deputy Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity​​
    [Short Bio]

 Speaker:  Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Chief, ICT and Development Section, ICT and Disaster      Risk Reduction Division UNESCAP [Short Bio]  ​[Presentation]

1100 - 1230

Session 2: Innovative Approaches on Partnerships and Resource Mobilization to Meet the Objectives of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives  

Chair: Mr. Jackson Miake | Acting CIO, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Prime Minister's Office, Vanuatu [Short Bio]

This Session will focus on the overall requirements, including innovative partnerships and resource mobilization to achieve the WTDC14 objectives of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives.

  Recalling the Objectives of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives 

     Speaker: Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the 

     Pacific  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

 Innovative Partnerships for ICT Development in the Asia-Pacific Region

    Speaker: Mr. Masanori Kondo, Deputy Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 

    [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

 Marrying Knowledge and Financing for Productive Partnerships            

    Speaker: Mr. Bart W. Édes, Director, Social Development, Governance, and Gender Division     Technical Advisor, Social Development Thematic Group, Asian Development Bank

    [Short Bio]

 Country Case on Innovative Partnership: The Philippine Tech4ED Initiative (WSIS 2016    

    Prize Winner)

    Speaker:  Ms. Bettina G. Quimson,  eSociety, Information and Communications Technology 

     Office – Department of Science and Technology, Philippines

1230 - 1400


1400 - 1530

Session 3: ASP RI 1: Special Consideration For LDCs, SIDSs, Including Pacific Island Countries, And Landlocked Developing Countries

Chair: Ms. Aurora A. Rubio, Head, ITU Area Office for South East Asia [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

Session 3 will report on the details of the implementation and plans of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Special Consideration For LDCs, SIDSs, Including Pacific Island Countries, And Landlocked Developing Countries  with focus on the outcomes, challenges and gaps and provide opportunity for the Membership to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes.

RI 1: Special Consideration For LDCs, SIDSs, Including Pacific Island Countries, And Landlocked Developing Countries

 Pacific Satellite Connectivity Project.     

    Speaker: Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the 

    Pacific  [Short Bio]  [Presentation ]


●  Pacific ICT Benchmarking and Development Strategies  

    Speaker:  Mr. Sione Veikoso, President of Pacific Islands Telecommunications 

    Association (PITA)  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]


●  E-Government for Small Islands Developing States

    Speaker:  Mr. Keping Yao, Governance and Public Administration Expert, UNPOG

 [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

●  ICT for Pacific - ADB's approach  

    Speaker:  Mr. Sibesh Bhattacharya, Senior Infrastructure Specialist- ICT, Pacific 
    Department, Asian Development Bank  [Short Bio]   [Presentation]

Panel Discussion: Proposals for Activities, Projects, Partners and Funding for RI 1

1530 - 1545

Coffee break

1545 - 1715

Session 4: ASP RI 2: Emergency Telecommunications

Chair: Mr. Nicolas D. Ojeda Jr., Assistant Secretary, Department of Science and Technology - Information and Communication Technology Office [Short bio]

Session 4 will report on the details of the implementation and plans of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Emergency Telecommunications with focus on the outcomes, challenges and gaps and provide opportunity for the Membership to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes.

RI 2: Emergency Telecommunications

  Role of ICTs in Disaster Management and Risk Reduction.  

    Speaker:  Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the 

    Pacific  [Short Bio]   [Presentation ]

●  Video Presentation addressed by Hon. Mr. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General & 

    Minister for Communications, Republic of Fiji  [video]

●  e-Resilience 

    Speaker:  Ms. Atsuko Okuda, Chief, ICT and Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk 

    Reduction Division UNESCAP [Short Bio]   [Presentation ]

●  Cooperation in the small Island countries for Disaster and Emergency communication

  Speaker:  Mr. Sione Veikoso, President of Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association        (PITA)   [Short Bio]  [Presentation]
●  MIC's international cooperation in the field of ICT for Disaster Management

    Speaker: Mr. Kazuhiro WADA, International Cooperation Division, Global ICT strategy 

    Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC), Japan  [Short Bio


Panel Discussion: Proposals for Activities, Projects, Partners and Funding for RI 2 

Day 2: June 7, 2016
0900 - 1030

Session 5: Harnessing The Benefits Of New Technologies  

Session Chair : Theme Presentation : Mr. Harin S Grewal, Cluster Director, IDA Singapore [Short Bio]  [Presentation​]
Session 5 will report on the details of the implementation and plans of the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Harnessing The Benefits Of New Technologies with focus on the outcomes, challenges and gaps and provide opportunity for the Membership to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes. 

RI 3: Harnessing The Benefits Of New Technologies 

●  LTE network design suggestions for developing countries and case studies. 

    Speaker: Mr. Kiyoung Ko, Executive Vice President, Korea Telecom [Short Bio]                    


●  Harnessing innovations through Internet of Things , Cloud computing ensuring  quality of    


    Speaker: Mr. Guillaume Mascot, Head of Government Relations APJ & India, NOKIA 

    [Short bio]  [Presentation]

●  Harnessing Digital Opportunities .

    Speaker: Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas, Group Director Public Policy, Vimpelcom, Netherlands

 [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

●  ITU- APNIC partnership on Transition from IPv4 to IPv6. 

    Speaker: Mr.  Duncan Macintosh, Development Director, APNIC [Short bio]  [Presentation]

●  Creating infrastructure for Next Generation Future Networks

    Speaker: Mr. Lim Chee Siong, Chief Marketing Officer, South Pacific Region, Huawei 

    [Short bio]   [Presentation]

Panel Discussion to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes

1030 - 1045

 Coffee Break

1045 - 1215

Session 6:  Development of Broadband Access and Adoption of Broadband

Chair: Dr Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecom Authority [Short Bio]

Session 6 will report on the details of the implementation and plans of  the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Development of Broadband Access and Adoption of Broadband  with focus on the outcomes, challenges and gaps and provide opportunity for the Membership to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes.

RI 4: Development of Broadband Access and Adoption of Broadband

●  Spectrum Policies to bridge the broadband divide. 

    Speaker: Dr. Syed Ismail Shah , Chairman, PTA, Pakistan [Short Bio]   [Presentation]

●  Lessons of leadership through  ICT Development Index  R O Korea 

    Speaker: Dr. Bohyun Seo, Director of International Cooperation Division, KISDI 




●   Facilitating investment in ultra-broadband through national broadband policies

     Speaker: Mr. Lim Chee Siong, Chief Marketing Officer, South Pacific Region, Huawei 
     [Short Bio]  [Presentation​]


●  Leadership and commitment for enhanced access of affordable broadband through                      National Broadband Policy 
     Speaker:  Dr. Ismail, Deputy Director General for Special Telecommunication and Public 

     Broadcasting, MCIT, Indonesia  [Short Bio ]  [Presentation]


●  Unleashing the Potential of the Internet  - Indian Case Study  

    Speaker:  Mr.  Sudhir Gupta, Secretary TRAI, India  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]
●   Improving broadband access in Southeast & Central Asia 
     Speaker:  Mr. Rajnesh D. Singh, Regional Director, Asia-Pacific Bureau, Internet Society 

     [Short Bio]  [Presentation]


Panel Discussion: Proposals for Activities, Projects, Partners and Funding for RI 4

1215 - 1330


1330 - 1500

Session 7:  Policy and Regulation

Chair: Engr. Edgardo Cabarios, Deputy Commissioner, National Telecommunications Commission, Philippines 

Session 7 will report on the details of the implementation and plans of  the Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Policy and Regulation with focus on the outcomes, challenges and gaps and provide opportunity for the Membership to recommend critical inputs, particularly on potential projects, partners, funding and improving processes.

RI 5:  Policy and Regulation  

●  Emerging Policy, Regulatory, Business and Technical Trends related to RI 5

 ​ Dr Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecom Authority [Short Bio]   
  Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities: Viewpoints from a Newly-Established 
    Mr. Antonio Brigido Correia, President, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações 
    (ANC)  [Short Bio]  [Presentation]

●  Reports on regional initiative, activities and partnerships by regional organizations,                     governments, industry and other development partners  linked to RI 5.

  ​Mr. Xie Yi, Vice President, CAICT China [Short Bio​] [Prese​n​tation]
​◊  Mr. Sione Veikoso, President, Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association 
    [Short Bio​]
  Mr. T.Naranmandakh Ph.D, General-Secretary, Communications Regulatory 
    Commission of Mongolia [Short Bio​]  [Pre​sentation​]​

Panel Discussion: Proposals for Activities, Projects, Partners and Funding for RI 5 
1500 - 1600

Session 8:  Facilitating Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives through research and capacity building 

Chairman: Mr. Ahmad Reza Sharafat, Chairman of ITU-D  SG2, Professor and Senior Adviser, Ministry of Communications and IT, I.R. Iran [Short bio]  [Presentation

●​  ITU Academia and Research Institutions.                                                                                   Speaker: Mr. Xie Yi, Vice President, CAICT, China [Pres​e​ntation​​​]​


●​ ​ ITU-D Study Groups.                                                                                                                  

    Speaker: Mr. Yasuhiko Kawasumi, Vice Chairman, ITU-D SG 1​​  [Short Bio]     


●  ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence.                                                                                 

    Speaker: Ms. Aurora A. Rubio, Head, ITU Area Office for South East Asia  [Short Bio


●  ICT in Education.                                                                                                                        

    Speaker: Ms. Jonghwi Park, Programme Specialist, ICT in Education. Educational 

    Innovation and Skills Development (EISD), UNESCO  [Short Bio​]  [Presentation​] 

​​ 1600 - 1630

Coffee break

1630 - 1700

Session 9: RDF 2016 Conclusions, Recommendation and Closing

●   Presentation of Conclusions and Recommendations.  

Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Presentation​]

●  Closing Ceremony  

□  Hon. Mario G. Montejo, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, 

     Republic of  the Philippines 

 ​ Mr. Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU