Committed to connecting the world

Terrestrial Workshop Materials

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The objective of the terrestrial workshop is to enable participants to become familiar with the ITU notification procedures, the preparation of frequency assignment/allotment notices, the terrestrial BR IFIC, the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau. The workshop will be held in 2 separate groups in English and French.

Questions related to the terrestrial workshop may be addressed to​​

Workshop Materials


​​​​​​Wednesday 29/03​​ ​English ​French
​​0900 – 1030 Terrestrial Web Site | WISFAT | Online validation Terrestrial Web Site​ WISFAT | Online validation​
​1030 – 1100 Coffee break​ ​Coffee break
​1100 – 1230 GE84 Software Tools​exercises | material BR IFIC | exercises​​​​​​
​1230 – 1400 ​Lunch break ​Lunch break
​1400 – 1530 BR IFIC | exercises​​​​​ GE84 Software Tools exercises​​ | material
​1530 – 1600 ​Coffee break ​Coffee break
​1600 – 1730 GE06 Software Toolsexercises | ​material Preparation of notice​s for broadcasting services | exercises​
​​​​​​​Thursday 30/03 ​English ​​​French
​​0900 –​ 1030​ Preparation of notice​s for broadcasting services | exercises
GE06 Software Tools | exercises | ​material​
​1030 – 1100 ​Coffee break ​Coffee break
​1100 – 1230 eBCD – Broadcasting Web Tools​​ exercises Preparation of notices for fixed and mobile services​​​​ | exercises​​​​​
​1230 – 1400 ​Lunch break ​Lunch break
​1400 – 1530 Preparation of notices for fixed and mobile services | exercises​​​​ eBCD – Broadcasting Web Tools​​​​ | exercises
​153​0 – 1600​Coffee break​Coffee break
​1600 – 173​​​​0 ​General discussions ​​​General discussions


​ ​​​
  • Overview of the BR IF​IC DVD​

    mp4 video zip file
  • Installation of the BR IFIC DVD

    mp4 videozip file
  • TerRaNotices - Part B

    mp4 video zip file
  • TerRaNotices - Multiple links

    mp4 videozip file
  • TerRaNotices - Many notices in 1 file

    mp4 video zip file
  • TerRaNotices - Modify assignment

    mp4 videozip file
  • TerRaNotices - Modify notice from DB

    mp4 video zip file
  • WISFAT submission

    mp4 videozip file
  • TerRaQ - Search for a notice

    mp4 video zip file
  • ​​​​TerRaQ - DB conversion

    mp4 videozip file
