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​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Workshop on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience​​ of Digital Financial Services​

12 May 2022​


​14:00 - 14:10 Opening
Welcome remarks​ and introduction to ITU-T Study Group 12
14:10 - 15:10​
​Session 1: State of affairs of QoS and QoE for digital financial services
This session will introduce the principles of quality assessments for digital financial services (DFS) and engage different stakeholders in the DFS community to share their experiences and key learnings on conducting DFS quality assessments.​

Moderator: Tania Villa, Study Group 12 Chair | Director, Regulatory Technical Analysis, IFT, Mexico
​15:10 - 15:50
​Session 2: Deep dive on methodologies for DFS quality assessment 
This session will ​​provide an in-depth look into methodologies for DFS quality assessment covering aspects including the extension of use cases, automation of DFS testing. It will also introduce the work of Question 20​ in ITU-T Study Group 12 in this area and discuss potential future developments/requirements for DFS quality assessments​. [Presentation​]

Moderator: Collins Mbulo​, Study Group 12 Vice-chair | Manager​, Quality of Service, ZICTA, Zambia
​15:50 - 16:55
​Session 3: Looking to the future: opportunities and prospects for standardization
This session will explore opportunities for future standards​ on quality assessments for digital financial services by examining consumer perspectives, regulatory challenges and requirements​ as well as new testing methods being applied for DFS quality assessment​​. 

Fiona KamikaziQ20/12 Acting Co-rapporteur |​ Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
​16:55 - 17:10
​Summary of workshop outcomes and key takeaways for SG12 followed by closing remarks